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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sleeping Sickness Preventions and Symptoms

I found Michael M.'s post very interesting, so I decided to find some more research on it. Sleeping sickness, also known as "African Trypanosomiasis"is only found in a very small part of Africa. I've found some ways to prevent this sickness. The infected tsetse flies, (the cause of the sleeping sickness) are attracted specifically to dark colors and bright colors. To prevent them from biting you, you would want to wear thick clothing and neutral colors. Repellent would work on the flies, but not fully. The symptoms of  African Trypanosomiasis are fever, malaise, headache, myalgia, pruritus, facial edema, weight loss, and lymphadenopathy. Why do you think it's only found in Africa?

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I think it's only found in Africa because of the climate and area's surroundings. I'm happy that they found some preventions for it since I don't think anyone would like to catch this sleeping sickness. I think another great way to prevent catching this is to not live in that part of Africa. The sleeping sickness is actually know as a disease too. Another thing I found interesting is that barely anyone every has caught this disease in the cities of Africa, so i guess another prevention is to live in the cities. Also this disease has also caused seven epidemics before.
