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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

After reading Tyler Woodward's post about Malaria, I got really interested in how they were trying to stop the disease and how they were trying to control it.  Included in his post, he said that they started cartoons about malaria on TV to show people how the spray teams were trying to help control the spread of Malaria.  In addition to spray teams, medications are used to help prevent malaria for people traveling to foreign countries.  Furthermore if you are worried about contracting Malaria, then you should avoid the area completely. Similar to the spray teams, using mosquito nets can limit someones exposure. Until the day comes when we have a vaccine, we must all take this disease very seriously.  How would you choose to protect yourself from Malaria?

1 comment:

  1. I do not know what I would do to protect my self from Malaria. I probably would just put on bug spray. Where can you get malaria? What bugs can give it to you? What is a spray team?
