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Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I found the blog post Manya C. wrote very interesting and I decided to do some more research on the topic "Annie Anopheles.”  Annie Anopheles is a film series of four cartoons about how to avoid getting Malaria and what to do if you have it. They were made by the Health Communication Partnership (HCP) project led by the Center of Communications Program of the John Hopkins University in Zambia’s.  Each cartoon covers a different topic of Malaria prevention.  The first cartoon is showing the purpose of sleeping under long-lasting nets.  Next is a treatment for Malaria in pregnancy.  The third one is about indoor residual spraying.  Lastly, there is one about seeking help for Malaria.  The purpose of these videos is pretty obvious, to stop Malaria in Africa.  Even though cartoons are usually a fun way to share information, these cartoons are about a serious subject matter.  Do you think using cartoons to share a serious message is appropriate?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that a cartoon is the most appropriate way to share a very important message about this sickness. This is a very serious sickness because (for example) there are 650,00 deaths each year because of Malaria. But, 90% of these deaths occur in children in the Southern Africa region. I find this absolutely horrible to even think about. Back to the Annie malaria cartoon topic; I found an actual Annie malaria cartoon. Here is the link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrYrW0Wsumk&safe=active
