When I read
Logan's paragraph I learned about one of the biggest problems in the
world, poaching. Lots of people are killing poor
animals mostly elephants and rhinos. Many people want to stop this and in
Namibia they actually created surveillance drones
which are a highly effective way to catch wildlife killers. In Namibia
field tests drones flew day and night missions to video back rhino herds and
send live footage to poacher tracking rangers on the ground, so poachers
beware because what you are doing is wrong and you will get caught.
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I also read about this and I think poaching is one of the biggest problems too. I am glad that they are doing that and getting what I think they deserve. I've read that the drones are working and that more poachers are getting caught because of that. I fell bad for those animals because most of them are endangered and won't be able to exist anymore becayse of poachers. I hope people will find other ways to catch and bring justice to poachers, do you?