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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Fight of the Muslims

  When I went a few steps back in Mr.Hopper's blog, I noticed a super interesting post. It was about Muslims written by Matthew Langley. If you want to take a look at it here's the link. It about Muslims who are being wiped out from life just because of their religion. To begin with this topic, the Muslims don't get a quick,clean, and painless death. They get super painful deaths in place of it, for example, some of them are burned to death by getting their body set on fire by the Anti forces. Some of them are even children and babies who don't even get what's going on or what they've done wrong. If you're a Muslim, no one is spared no matter what. The cause of this all is because the Christian anti-machete militias want revenge. So, do you think this should be continued?

1 comment:

  1. There is always harassment and cruel punishments when it comes to one's religion, in this case believers of Islam are getting harrassed by Christian militias. Some Muslims are robbed, abused, tortured and then killed. I don't think I'll ever understand why they kill people because of their religion, some say they do it in the name of God and some say it's their mission to eliminate people of other religions. It's honestly sick and of course it should be illegal, but we have to remember that not everyone has the rights we do and most Muslims don't live in a free country. Isn't it time we try to give others around the world the privileges we have?
