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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Coco and slavery

I read AillyanaV. Post about chocolate. I love chocolate but I wouldn't eat if people get hurt in Africa. Chocolate is a product of the cacao bean, which grows in the tropical climates of West Africa and Latin America. In West Africa, cocoa is a crop grown primarily for export. As the 

chocolate industry has grown over the years, so has the demand for cheap chocolate. Today, cocoa 

farmers barely make a living selling the beans and often resort to the use of child labor in order to keep their prices competitive.

How coco effect children

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't eat chocolate either if it is only grown in Africa. I know that there are many other exporters of cocoa. Most of the cocoa comes from South America or some island countries in the Indian Ocean. It was actually quite shocking that they still resorted to child labor with all the new technology we have today. If they bought equipment then it would be a one-time only cost not something you would have to buy every year or month. To me it would make more sense to make a less quantity, better quality, and higher priced chocolate instead of resorting to child labor. When I wrote the last sentence I thought of Godiva chocolate.
