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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Unmanned Drones

After reading Alex’s post on a plan to put unmanned drones into the Ol Pejeta Conservancy I wanted to know more. Last year alone, this conservancy lost 50 Black Rhinos. These drones keep constant surveillance on the animals, sending live images to rangers on the ground. These drones can also give an accurate census of the animals, giving a quicker, cheaper, and more reliable way to get data. These drones are not armed, but can quickly deploy a force of rangers, so the animals are always safe. Do you think it is a good idea to put drones into parks?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think there should be even more than just drones. If 50 black rhinos were killed in just one year that is a huge problem, and should be prevented as soon as possible. I also read that helicopters were being deployed at night time to seek poachers. If there are drones in parks it will fore sure change the amount of animals being killed. I would definitely have drones in all parks.
