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Friday, November 1, 2013

ancient Greek myths

I am a Greek geek but the first thing I knew about ancient Greek myths was that the ancient gods were eaten by their father and they all grew up in there [their father’s stomach]. Their dad had a reason and that reason is he didn't want them to over throw him. If I was him I would have figured out a different way than eating them but I still would be nervous if they tried to overthrow them. So where was I , oh yeah but when Zeus was born the  mother didn't show the father because he knew what would happen the dad would eat him. Zeus grew up and over threw his father. Read more myths at http://greece.mrdonn.org/myths.html. Which is your favorite?

1 comment:

  1. very interesting about the gods getting eaten by there own dad and grew up living in their stomach.I agree when you said that "i would choose a different reason than just eating your son". One question though how many Ancient gods were there?
