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Friday, November 1, 2013

The Olympics

In Ancient Greece the Olympics were a big deal. The Olympics were so important to them that they called a truce for all the wars so everyone can make it. I don’t understand why they don't just end the wars because they would be more powerful as an entire country than they are when they're all in wars with each other. If you want some more facts about Greece check this out! What’s your opinion on this post?


  1. I am also very interested in the Ancient Greek Olympics! I understand why they took this very seriously because they were honoring there gods, but I also agree that they would be more powerful if the just ended the wars. I also think that it is very cool that they called it a truce. Do you agree with my opinions?

  2. I also think that it was stupid to call a truce but not just to end the War. It seems like it would be awkward being friends with someone for the Olympics just to go back to war with them a week later. This is also kind of like when the Olympics were cancelled due to World War 2. Then again having Hitler sprinting the 100 meter dash might have made some people angry. Just like if Sparta's ruler were to show up during their war with Athens. My to you challenge is to see if you can find which years the Olympics were cancelled due to a war.
