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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Color Color Color Color Colors of Holi :)

Holi, an Indian festival that dates back to ancient times is a festival celebrated across India. This festival was originally called Holika and is depicted in sculptures on old temple walls and in paintings dating back to the16th century. Probably the most well known part of  Holi is the colorful part! During this spring festival, colorful dyes and powders fill the air and children run around excited to smear dye on their friends. Now Holi is celebrated differently across India, but one things for sure, whether you're in Bengal, Delhi, Goa, or anywhere else in India, Holi is a great way to have fun and kick off spring! I know that I would love to participate in the festivities of Holi because I think it would be a ton of fun to get to run around with color filling the air. Would you find it fun to be covered in colorful powder?

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