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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

13 Year Old Einstein?!

                    At ony age 13, our age, a young boy by the name of Richard Turere invented something very life changing for him and his family. Turere was raised to see lions as the enemy becuse they were eating all of the families lifestock, but most importantly, their cows. So at the age of 11, trying to figure out a solution to keep his cows safe, he studied them a bit. discovering they werent fond of lights, and movement.
                   So taking a motorcycle indicator, LED bulbs and an old car battery that was powered by a solar panel, Richard set up a system of lights that faced outward into the darkness of the park. the lights (A.K.A, The Lion Lights) flicker on and off throughout the night.
                 Ever since tht brillant idea known as the Lion Lights, two years ago, lion attacks have seemed to back off of his familiescattle. 75 farms are now using a simmilar system.
Turere has been given a scholarship from Brookhous International School for outsmarting the lions. He now is hoping to succeed in airplane engineering.
                        What would you do if you had a similair situation as Richard?


  1. Well in my opinion I don't think he’s a genius for that. Anyone can do that, if i was placed with a similar problem and had the same resources as him, and then I probably would figure something out. He is not really making do with as little resources as he would have, he’s breaking apart cars, blasting light sources in the house and ripping apart a solar panel. A car batteries and solar panels are things you cannot get normally. His "ingenuity" is just due to the stuff he could use. What would really surprise me was if he actually used something COMMON. He’s using materials you can’t get easily. Yes the stuff is an old car but who will allow you to break a car? Here let me give an example. If you were stuck in the middle of nowhere and there is a village nearby. The village says there is a wolf problem killing their sheep. You go and help them, do you start off with car batteries and solar panels? No, you'd probably not be able fix the problem. What he did was say, “hmm I need this expensive material and this one. Hey you, get me these expensive materials that are perfectly suited to what’s needed.” He is not doing anything that requires high knowledge. I’m surprised if this problem was affecting a lot of people for a long time, and he’s JUST figured something out, it does not mean he’s smart. It means those people are dumb. I don’t think he should have gotten a scholarship just for that, what do you think?

  2. I find this to be very astonishing that a 13-year old can make such a system at his own home. Like all scientists, I would think he at least had some struggle, but came out with an amazing result. I would not find myself capable of doing this as I would not have the patience. In his shoes, I bet he feels like a genius. I would think so too.

  3. I respect your opinion, Alex, but I disagree. I think that with no prior knowledge except tinkering with a radio, it is AMAZING that a 13 year old boy came up with this idea and was able to do it. He had known very little about wires and how they work. I think he deserves a little more credit than what you've given him.
