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Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Visit To Tatooine

When I tried to think of something that was cool in Africa I began to realize that I didn't know anything that was cool in Africa. When I looked at Mr. Hopper’s title, A New Hope I thought of there was anything cool about Africa and Star Wars. After a solid 5 minutes of researching  found out that Tatooine in the movie was filmed in Africa and word has it that soon it will soon be swallowed by the Sahara desert. Do you think Tatooine will be swallowed by the Sahara desert?

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1 comment:

  1. Well i"m not that into star wars that much. I have never seen any of the movies even though you think I should. I think it is very possible about Tatooine will be swallowed by the sahara desert. If it is you could do another blog on that if Mr hopper says you have to do another blog.
