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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

  • People in Africa often have aids, and it has became a real problem.Children under 15 years old are only half as likely as adults to receive the lifesaving treatment they need to survive AIDS.260,000 new HIV infections occurred among children of the poor in  2012.Without treatment, one third of kids living with HIV will die before their first birthday. Half will die before their second birthday.300,000 new HIV infections occurred among teenagers in 2012; 2.1 million pre-teen and teen (10-19 years) were living with HIV. People are getting together to stop the outbreak.http://www.crs.org/hiv-aids/?gclid=CNfbm562gLwCFdEWMgod4zYAqw
          • What do you think about the outbreak?

1 comment:

  1. I think it is really terrible what is happening over in Africa. We are so blind to what is happening. I think if more people find out about what is happening we can make a difference. I hope that america and other countries would more of an effort to find a cure and provide better sanitary conditions for Africa.What would you want to tell the world if you lived there?
