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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Diseases in Africa

  Africa has some of the worst kind of diseases some of them are syphilis cause rash and boils which causes the most deaths in Africa.  Another one is Meningitis reduces peoples life even if they survive it. It mostly happens in the dry season in northern Africa which is December and June.  another diseases is tetanus which causes muscle spasms which is among the top ten dangerous disease. Anothjer one is malaira whicth is given to a human by a musqitoe bite.  These are some of Africa's danergious Diseases. what do u think about them?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These diseases seem very scary, and I'm surprised that they haven't done anything yet. Aids have also been a big problem. There are only a number of hospitals in Africa. I would hope they change something, and figure a cure for these diseases. The diseases sound awful, and if they were in america it would be terrible! What do you think would happen if they came to the U.S?
