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Monday, January 13, 2014

Super Fish!

One day in a man made pool in Schroda Dam the Water Research Group of North West University found unusual behavior in the African tigerfish, a protected species. They found that the predatory fish decided to expand it's diet and jump out of water to feast on swallows passing by. The fish were depicted by there beautiful markings and impressively sharp teeth. This was also a very surprising discovery, because in research, scientist had found that the tigerfish usually are only active at dawn and dusk, but they are now seen preying on skimming swallows in the day. Wouldn't you agree that this is some cool but weird fish.


  1. Yes this fish is cool but I think more interesting than weird. the tiger fish is interesting to me because they are huge, have sharp teeth, and can jump out of the water to catch birds and other animals. If I were in Africa I think I would try to stay away from the main rivers they live in like the Okavango Delta, and the Zambezi River.

  2. Before I read your post, I didn't even know African tigerfish existed. After, I was excited to learn more! I knew that fish could jump out of the water to catch flying insects, but I didn't know that they were able to eat birds right out of the air! For once I'm actually glad I can't fly! When I researched a little more, I also found out that during a 15-day study of the tigerfish, there were some days when they jumped (and caught) up to 20 swallows right out of the air. I didn't know that, did you?

  3. Thanks for sharing...that video is amazing!
