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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cupid of Love...Not

      Not only are lions suffering in Africa but humans are too. This month it has been made official that the president of Africa, Goodluck Jonathan has signed a legislation that bans any gay relationships. If one was to get caught being active or participating in any gay groups or relationship they'll get get automatically sentenced to 10-14 years in prison mattering what they did. Since the law was passed out, dozens of gay men have been arrested and caught for being gay.  Not only have they been sent to jail and striped of their freedom to express they've also been tortured into spilling out names. This hunt to get all gay men caught has gone so crazy its become like the witch hunt back in the old days. The only good thing that some people find out of this law is that it stops some of the spreading for HIVs.  Do you think this new law is right?


  1. I don't think this law is right at all! See my family is like against gay relationship. I think people should love who they want to love. I mean I see where this guy is coming from but seriously that way over the top. If someone is gay they should just let it be instead of a sentence to 10-15 years and torturing. I think this is way over the top than any other law. I think this law is very stupid and its should end right away!

  2. My family is also against gay relationship, but the law should be stopped. A sentence in jail for 10-15 years is just unnecessary and wrong. They should just leave them alone, it's their choice to chose who ever they love. At lease it stops spreading HIVs but other than that the law should be stopped!
