Before I begin, note to Mr. Hopper: please do not grade this
OK people so I know to all of you this probably sounds like some crackpot's legal poaching scam but this actually benefits the Rhinos and I don't care what the heck you heard from that misinformed, anti-poaching, environmentalist extremist site and honestly some times these groups do the stupidest things ***cough, cough PETA releasing all the minks on a fur farm that would have faced an ethical death (as oxi-moronic as that sounds) only to watch them be run over on an interstate cough, cough***. But anyway so I know you heard that OMG there are only 5000 left and they are auctioning off permits to kill them but, actually way to go Dallas Safari Club. Okay before you say that I have turned from the Environmental near-extremist I normally am into a pugnacious hunter, think twice. Those rhinos that are going to be killed (and thank god that they are) are pretty much the most valuable paperweights in the world and nothing else. The ones that are to be killed are old adults that have gone through the rhinoceros form of menopause (whatever the name for that is ) and are now infertile (beginning to see what I mean by paper weights here) and therefore are big gray competition for the young 'uns who actually could breed, in other words they are absolutely, positively, definitely, without exceptions, no strings attached at all no use to their species. These big bulls often take territory that could raise the prime of the next generation of rhinos. It has been proven that weeding out the older useless ones can help the species, in fact with the exception of the twenty some species of sturgeon on the planet (Studies on Green, White and Lake sturgeon have proven that environmental managers should "remove" some young). This is true for pretty much everything, It doesn't create more it dies out- a simple rule (and no this is not excuse to go demanding that we kill everyone over 60). For all you bioethicists out there this is reasonable for goodness sake people!!!!!!!!!!! But hopefully you will never pull the "Poor Rhino Card" again. If there is a molecule in you that thinks you will, please read again. (and by please I mean you must!)
I really think it's interesting how you took a different stand point from most of the other people who used this topic. When i first heard about this like the other all i though was "Oh my gosh that's terrible! How is this legal?" but now i am more on your side. If they are killing all the super old rhinos that can't reproduce and only have a few years left it's not much harm killing them since they cannot be used to make more rhinos. It's very tragic however, the people are paying thousands of dollars to hunt these massive creatures! Rhinos are targeted because of their horns which have medicinal purpose to them but they sell for a large amount of money so that’s a pretty good thing. Since the horns sell for $90,000 a kilogram and on average a rhino horn weighs about 1.6 kilogram can make lots of money off of it. Not to mention you still have the skin and other parts of the animal you can sell so by the end you can probably make some profit off of killing these animals! So it’s kind of a situation where both sides are winning, DSC (Dallas Safari Club) Is raising money and the people who got the right to kill this animal could possible make money!
ReplyDeleteI also agree with you, Eddie. I did my topic on this and I should of read it carefully, it doesn't bother me if their killing the useless rhinos. In my opinion they had a good life. Anyway you'r right, so thanks for clearing all of this out straight. Mostly to me and the other people that chose this topic, we needed to know :) use to their species? How much would you pay to go on a safari to see and to photograph these magnificent beasts? Agreed, they serve no purpose to the breeding population. But serve no purpose at all? None? I am envisioning special tours that allow for up-close pics...costing $$$$$ that could be used to help protect the young uns. You know, the breeding population.
ReplyDeleteYour thoughts?
: )
You do have a good point Mr. Hopper but is a "canned safari" any better than a "canned hunt"?
DeleteTo answer that question, I'd say yes. The world is full of rich idiots...and rich smart people for that matter. But people with way too much money and time on their hands, nevertheless. Offer up some sweet package deals that only the super-rich can afford. Gouge them for some sweet change! The pricier the trip, the more exclusive. Thus, it would be in high demand for the wealthy. Lots of money could then be made off of keeping these creatures alive, and then spent to further that cause...keeping them alive.
DeleteCanned or not, these amazing beasts just aren't ever going to be found in your backyard. Hopefully they will continue to be found in places other than books on extinct species.
: )
And that's my take.