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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rhino Hunting in Namibia

Recently, controversy has been stirred because Corey Knowlton got a permit which allowed him to hunt and kill a black rhinoceros. So obviously, if you kill one of the most endangered species in the world, you're going to get some hate. And supposedly the $350,000 that was spent on the permit (not including the $100,000 donation) is to be spent PROTECTING the black rhino species. This is just a little crazy in my opinion, why purposely kill the very thing that you're trying to protect? And, about the death threats this guy got. I really don't think it should have been taken that far, they do need to take action, just not that kind. But I really don't think this permit should have ever been sold in the first place, especially when it is one on the most endangered species on the planet with 5,055 black rhinos left. I also think international society should have stopped him, so I wouldn't have to write about this in the first place.    

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