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Monday, January 20, 2014

African water lily

The plant, of which only a handful of specimens still exist in the wild, was stolen from a lily pond at the famed in London, police said. The thief is thought to have dug or pulled it from the damp, temperature-controlled mud it needs to survive there are only two places in the world that house the water lily. The London police are looking for the thieves and plant company's are trying to find ways to make more.


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  2. Interesting post Dayton! I wonder how the thief dug from the ground to get this rare plant. (If he actually did get the plant from the ground.) And I'm guessing this thief doesn't have temperature controlled mud anywhere around and maybe he doesn't even know what the plant needs it to survival and the plant will die. And why would you even steel a rare-cool-looking plant? What do you think the thief is gonna do with the plant?
