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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rhino Rampage...Really?

In my opinion, hunting is fine if it is for supplies such as food, fur, or anything else necessary to survive. However, I don't believe hunting as a sport OR for survival if it is an endangered species and there are over populating species such as deer. This is the case with Rhinos at the moment. The Dallas Safari Club has allowed people to kill the last of a species if they have a permit. Really, this comic just about sums it up. Do you think this is an acceptable thing?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes this is an acceptable thing and I don't know why all you individualists can't get it through your thick skulls. The rhinos that are to be killed are ones that can't breed and therefore useless to population. If young breeders where their they would raise the prime of the next generation. Get it now people?

  3. I'm curious, Eddie. How can one be sure that the rhino that would be killed is not capable of breeding? If this is the case, than the hunting permit issue makes more sense to me. If not, then I question the value of the hunt.
