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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sleeping sickness

Sleeping sickness is an illness in African that is caused by flies. The symptoms are at stage one are 

  • Facial edema 
  •  Painless skin chancre
  • Transient urticarial, erythematous, or macular rashes 6-8 weeks after onset
  • Skin lesions (trypanids)
Without treatment death can be caused within six months. If you feel any of these symptoms and get it treated in a three week time frame you will be fine. Sleeping sickness is a serious thing and is very deadly! There are few things that can prevent sleeping sickness, some ways are; with medicines or an injection. What do you think about sleeping sickness?

1 comment:

  1. I think it is scary that little things such as flies can cause deathly illness. Did you know that sleeping sickness occurs in at least 36 saharan african countries? why do they call it sleeping sickness? The symptoms sound somewhat painful and uncomfortable. Im glad sleeping sickness isn't in the U.S!
