A boy, who lives in Kenya, Africa, herding his father's cows, changed his village forever. Today, Richard Turere, 13 years old earned a scholarship to Brook house International School. He earned it by inventing a system that makes everyone happy. Lions started eating Richard's father's cows and instead of killing the lions, Richard came up with an invention that saves the cows and the lions. At first, Richard tried using fire to scare off the lions. This only made it easier for them though. Next, he set up a scare crow but that only worked the first night. The lions are "very clever" he says, and knew the scare crow was not a real person. Lastly, Richard walked around with a flashlight in his hand and it seemed to work. Knowing he couldn't walk around every night, Richard decided to set up blinking lights to scare the lions. Without any experience except taking apart his mother's radio, he set out to complete his task. Using simple wires and bulbs, Richard rigged up a series of flashing lights. Many people in his village used this idea. Instead of killing the lions, they were able to make peace. I think that Richard is a genius! It's amazing that someone as young as 13 can make such a big difference in his village. It shows us that no matter how young we are, we can do so much! What are some things you can do to help your town?
Kayla, im glad you chose this because it is a perfect example of how someone so young and small in the world can help out his entire village, and be noticed around the world. I think that it is interesting how he was able to use the recourses that he had around him which in this case was some wires and bulbs to create this system. I can't believe that because of this small idea he got a scholarship to Brook House International School, and I think that there are great things yet to come from this kid genius in the future.