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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Food in Nepal?

There are many types of cuisine in Nepal. Some of the meals look delicious! Others...not so much. But you never know unless you try them, right? The most common meal in Nepal is dal (lentil soup), bhat (boiled rice), and tarkari (curried vegetables). This meal usually comes with achar (pickle). Nepalis don’t usually use silverware like forks and knives. They use their hands. Some traditional foods in Nepal are dhido, which is usually eaten in rural areas, and kinema (a non-salted soybean food of the eastern hills of Nepal. Jand is a traditional alcoholic beverage of Nepal. One of the more interesting foods in Nepal is tawkhaa. It is a jello/meat soup served cold. There are lots of even more bizarre foods in Nepal, are there any others weird foods you have heard about?

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