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Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Secrets of Islam

Islam is a very know religion around the world, which a lot of people follow. Islam is about worshiping one god, and only one god. Muslims pray five times a day during different times, on in the sunrise, the morning, afternoon, sunset, and one after sunset. Muslim girls start to wear a scarf when they start to grow up, like 10 years old and up. Girls wear a scarf to cover their beauty in front of all boys, accept for grandpa, uncle, brothers, dad, future husband, and future sons. People think that Islam is a very strict religion, but its not. How would you explain your religion to others that don't understand?


  1. I totally agree, I don't think Muslim is strict either. They just have rules they need to follow. That is so cool how you did a post about your own religion. To answer the question of yours, I would just (if I were you) explain all the rules and just say that my religion is awesome! How long has a muslim religion last? Who made up all the rules?

  2. I think Muslim's have a lot of rules and they are really strict at people to follow these rule. why do they pry 5 times a day why not 2 or 1 times a day? Why do they have to cover there self form boys? to answer your question don't explain just say to them that they should go and learn more about the Muslim people.
