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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Iran's and the Elamite's Totally Beast Swag

Iran is the second largest country in the Middle East is it located on western Asia.  Iran was formally known as Persia until 1980 until officially became the Islamic Republic of Asia.  Iran is home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations beginning with the formation of the Elamite kingdom in 2800 BC.  The Elamite’s were Hebrews and considered one of the most advanced civilizations of their time.  Would you ever consider to traveling to now days war torn Iran to study the Elamite’s?

Chogha Zanbil ziggurat, Iran.


  1. If i could choose whether or not to be buried in a pyramid or not I would choose no. The first reason is that I would rather not be one of the largest tourist attractions in Egypt. And secondly when i'm dead I don't want tomb robbers or archaeologists taking my family, wealth, or treasure. One thing that really intrigued me about this article is that pyramids were the largest free standing structure for 3000 years. What kinds of things would you keep in your tomb with you once you die?

  2. If I could choose to be buried in a pyramid, I would definitely want to because I would be honored by so many people. Pyramids are very fascinating structures And no wonder so many people come to see them. If l were buried there then I would be honored by so many people! Also it would be hard for tomb robbers to get near the valuables of the dead because they wouldn't leave millions of dollars just in a room I'm sure they have some sorts of traps all inside the pyramid. Do you agree that they mite make it difficult for people to get inside?

  3. Not sure how these comments relate to the topic. Hmmm...
