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Friday, December 6, 2013

I Came,I Saw,I Learned

Have you ever heard the phrase “Veni, Vidi, Vici”? This famous saying by Julius Ceasar came from his fast victory over Pontus in Turkey, which is a country in the Middle East. The phrase means “I came, I saw, I conquered”. This area in Turkey near the Black Sea is said to be a sweet kingdom. Some other cool things about this Middle Eastern country is that Turkey is the 37th largest country in the world. It is also bordered by 3 different seas, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea. And did you know that while Turkey is a bird name, the country also has over 472 species of birds there?


  1. The word Agean is derived from the Greek word Ageae which was Queen Agea Queen of the Amazons. She died in the sea the Aigaion or the "sea goat". Which is another name for Briareus, one of th Hecatonchires, or Ageus, the father of Thesis. Thesis drowned himself in the Agean sea when he thought his son died.

  2. wow nice blog i want to visit these places some day it seems cool
