The three most common religions that people have are Islam (Muslim), Jewish, and Christianity. Islam is the most popular religion out of the three. It was founded by their leader Mohammed in 600 A.C, he taught his followers to pray five times a day. Sometimes in large cites of the religion they pray over loudspeakers so that everyone can hear. The Jewish religion first emerged in 2000 B.C by their prophet Abraham.In the Jewish Religion their most scared text of religion is the Torah. The Torah contains the Ten Commandments, which the Jews are mostly required to follow. Christianity first developed around 30 A.D. It mostly revolved around a Jew, Jesus. Jesus taught people about his religion and his beliefs, eventually this evolved into another religion. In Christianity, people use the Jewish Ten Commandments and other parts of their Torah and then they put them into their Bible.
Watch a Video about Christians Here
Question: If you could chose your Religion out of the three, which one would you chose?
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