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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bird Watching in the Arabian Sea

If I were picking somewhere to go in the Middle East I would probably pick some where along the Indian Ocean/Gulf Of Aden/Gulf Of Oman coastline in either  Yemen or Oman. I would pick this region because of the phenomenal bird watching opportunities in area. Now, before you start bursting out laughing and scoff at the sentence previous sentence, consider this. The coastline I mentioned is one of the best birding opportunities in the world. The reason-it's position. Due to the fact that the Arabian Peninsula is dead center in between two continents and lots of islands within a few hundred miles it is ideal. The area has lots of rare species without the vagrants.These include the white-eyed gull, and the laughing dove. Some common vagrants include Socotra sparrow. So I suppose in the end it is up to you. But if you want a bird watching hot spot I would recommend this area. See why?


  1. Looks like a pretty great "birder" spot to me!

  2. That is so cool Eddie! At first I thought that going bird watching would be boring, but what you described sounded like fun! In the video the water was so pretty and it was so cool to see the birds go after the bait. The birds are so pretty and it would be awesome to see them in person. Your post is absolutely wonderful! Nice job!
