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Well, first of all, Korea is ONE COUNTRY. It looks like two totally different countries at first, right? North is communist, while South is ...
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It may be hard to imagine but there are fewer than 900 of these amazing creatures left on this world and it's all because of h...
Haile Selassie was a great person to all Ethiopians. He was born July 1892 in, Ejersa Goro, Ethiopia. He was a respected crowed emper...
Their are so many amazing exciting animals out there that face extinction and one of those amazing creature...
Thursday, December 19, 2013
If I were going to the Middle East, I would visit the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt. It is only two kilometers from the great pyramids of Giza. It has over 100,000 artifacts that you can see and more stored in the basement and warehouses. The artifacts show 7,000 years of history including many items belonging to King Tut. Over four million people visit each year. I would like to see a mummified pharaoh. What would you like to see?
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Egyption Information
Did you know only 1% of Egypt is Christian? There are lots of interesting facts about Egypt and I could go on forever about them but I will only say a few. Egypt is a republic government, Egyptian history goes back all through 4000 B.C. One time Egypt was at war for six days with Israel on day five Israel launched their air assault. The pyrimids were built when egypt was the richest and most powerful place in the world. Do you think Egypt is a interesting place?
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
What you know about Iraq
The place I choose to write about in the middle is Iraq. The
reason I am writing about this is because it is a fascinating country. It has
35.58 million and counting in 2012. Its currency is Iraqi dinar. The capital of
this country is Baghdad. Its government is Federal republic, Parliamentary
republic, Republic, Parliamentary system. It has two main languages is Arabic filmed
and Kurdish languages. It has Turkey to the north, Iran to the east, Kuwait to
the southeast, Saudi Arabia to the south, Jordan to the southwest, and Syria to
the west. Here’s a link to a music video
in Iraq https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=10&cad=rja&ved=0CH8QtwIwCQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F49139326&ei=hqiwUswCw4euB8vJgIgN&usg=AFQjCNHjaF_bb5g__WZAqo5aIbgok-s6cw&bvm=bv.58187178,d.bmk.
What’s your favorite place.
the Middle Easts exports and Imports
Did you know that oil is the most internationally traded
good? And did you know that the Middle
East significantly exports more oil than any other region. In fact, the Middle
East has two thirds of the 1trillion barrels of the world’s oil reserves. Besides
oil the Middle East also exports clothing, minerals, iron, chemicals, steel, automotive
parts, and textiles. Also the Middle East imports beef from the U.S . In 2010 the
amount of beef imported by the Middle East went up by 75 percent. If you want
more interesting fact click here.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Turkey is the home of double continent, its Asia/Europe. In short you can go from a continent to another continent in like three hours! Handy isn't it for vacation you don't even need to spend money for a plane ticket to go to another continent. Another cool thing about turkey is the Cotton Castle, the Cotton Castle is a hot spring, and the water looks cold cool right? And the temperature is like 97 Fahrenheit even though it looks like the water is cold. Would you go to the Cotton Castle?
Monday, December 9, 2013
Monsoons of South Asia.
There are something called monsoons that happens with this weather. There is a summer and winter monsoon. A monsoon is a strong seasonal wind. The summer, from about June to October, winds blow over the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. These winds have lots and lots of moisture. Which brings much rain and reachs the Himalayas. The winter, the monsoons flip flop. This time, winds blow over the Indian Ocean to the Arabian Sea. This air is super cold and South Asia love the winter. What monsoon do you like better? The Summer or Winter monsoon?
The Three Cultures and Hammurabi's laws
Hammurabi's laws about 4000 years ago still have effect today, such as that all citizens must obey the same laws so everyone is treated equally. I think that is really cool, a law being in effect for that long. Three very important religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic all have their roots in Southwest Asia. Those were all started at very different times though, Christianity in 30 A.D. Judaism in 200 B.C. and Islam in A.D. 600. If you could make one change in a law for that long what would it be?
The Underground City!
Kariz, Iran is a city built completely underground! The Kish Qanat is 2,500 years old, and only until recently was it converted into an underground community. The city is 16 meters below the surface and is 10,000 square miles! Before the city(As I said), it was the Kish Qanat, one of Iran’s water systems. The system brought water from the mountains through an aquifer, which emerged into an oasis, into a series of tunnels. These tunnels were seven kilometers long, and slightly horizontal. The Kish Qanat is considered to be one of the oldest human built water systems in the world, and some systems like it are still used in Iran today!
Religion of Muslims
Muslims have a cool religion. They pray five times a day to one God. They are monotheism. There is a month where they fast from sunrise to sunset (when Muslims are older though). When they are done fasting at the end of the month Muslims have a holiday called "Eid". What they do during this holiday is they get up early they pray and then they go out and have dinner with family and friends and have fun! Another cool fact is they have 200 profits they follow and the last one was name Muhammad. What do you think about Muslims?
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Cotton Castle of Turkey
The place I would like to visit in the Middle East would be
Pamukkale, Turkey. It is known for its natural travertine pools of water.
Pamukkale means "Cotton Castle" in Turkish. When you look at the
cascades of rock it looks like snow with water pools in them. The water looks
cold but it's actually about 95 degrees Fahrenheit. People are not allowed to use their shoes in
the hot springs. Do you think the Cotton Castle looks more like ice and snow?
The middle east has many cool and interesting places but the one I choose was Turkey. This is because one of my old teachers used to live there and told us a lot of fun stories about it. One of the larget cities in Turkey and in the world is Istanbul, it is a huge place with lots to do. five interesting facts about Istanbul is that it stands in two different continents Asia and Europe, also although it was the capital of many inportant empires its not the capital of Turkey. Another fun fact is that Istanbul has more than thirteen million people, which 99% of those people are muslim. And last Istanbul with the population of 13 million has about the same population as one of the smallest countries in Europe, which is Belgium. My question is would you ever live inn Turkey or istanbul?
The World's Largest Space-launch Center
you're traveling to Central America any time soon, you have to visit the
world's largest space-launch center, Baikonur Cosmodrome. It is located in
Kazakhstan, the largest country in Central America and is the site of several
historic spaceflights. The first artificial satellite was launched from
Baikonur in 1957, the first mission to send a human to space took off from
Baikonur, AND The Mars Express, a European mission to send a spacecraft to
Mars, was launched from Baikonur! So if you could travel to Central America,
would you visit Baikonur?
Visit, http://www.ilslaunch.com/node/8, to learn more!
Paris of the east
If had to choose a place to visit in the middle east, it should be Lebanon. Lebanon is a very beautiful place to visit. Lebanon has beautiful beaches and amazing parks. If you were going to take a vacation in Lebanon, you should visit Beirut. It has been known to be to be "Paris of the east". It is very modern looking place, the main thing to do is go to there museums. The museums capture and tell you everything there is to know about Beirut's history in the amount of time you are there. Would you like to visit Beirut?
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Sahara desert crazy wierd animals!
Sahara desert is a very large desert that is 3.629 million square miles. This desert
used to be feared, people thinking there were evil gods and souls living there,
but they probably didn’t know there were three weirdest dangerous animals
living there. First one is the "Horned Vipers”. Your probably wondering
what kind of animal this is. The animal is a snake! The snake has horns on top
of his head. One bite from this snake can’t kill you, but can damage your
tissue and blood cells. Number two: the “Death stalker scorpion” this is a
green scorpion that is more venomous and deadly than regular scorpions. The death
stalker scorpion has smaller pinchers that releases neurotoxins that can kill
you! The last animal is the “ostrich”! You’re probably thinking that its really
lame and everything, but this Ostrich can run 40 miles an hour, has incredible hearing
and seeing, and last, but not least, the Ostrich can beat you up with its crazy
strong legs! I bet you didn’t know that these crazy horned snakes, green
scorpions, and weird Ostriches lived in a desert in Egypt! Well I’m just
wondering, but did you learn anything from this post that interests you?
There is an amazing Pyramid in the middle east called the Great Pyramid of Giza. it is the oldest and largest pyramid of in the Giza Necropolis. It is also the oldest of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The complex consist of three large Pyriamds built for the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure. The structures were thought to be built between 2589 bc and 2504 bc. It was the tallest structure in the world for about 3,800 years ago, at 481 feet tall (146 meters). Historians believe that they were built to house the king's body after his death. Did you know that is also called the the Khufu's Pyramid? Can you guess why it is called that?
Friday, December 6, 2013
Cotton Castle in Turkey
Have you ever felt like your whole body was excruciating and so jaded out that you couldn't even open up your eyes? Well if your answer is yes than go and take a relaxing spa vacation to Cotton Castle, located in the southeastern part of Aegean, Turkey. Even in the dead of winter, the hot springs are as toasty as clouds. Right when you step into the lovely steamy water all your worries will float away. Cotton Castle is sure to make you glow and make you feel like a happy little feather who has no weight to hold itself down. The waters are crystal clear and even have healing minerals! It is believe to heal your body and eyes. Many people believe that it is magical. It is even said to be a remedy for asthma. The reason that it looks like clouds is because of all the steam that goes up from the steamy hot springs. The thing that I find interesting it is that Cotton Castle is located over the Temple of Apollo. Not only is a good place to relax but it also contains some history. Cotton Castle all started when the Romans were inspired by the rock formations and all the warm baths and decided to turn it into a spa city,Hierapolis. It was also a religious practice by the priests of Cybele in a cave, Plutonium (place of the god, Pluto). Another thing that is so fascinating is that they found a way to survive the suffocating gases within the cave.Cotton Castle is a humongous tourist attraction and is sure to make your day. All you have to do is have fun and bring your swim gear! Would you like to go visit Cotton Castle in Turkey?
Burj Khalifa, the World's Tallest Tower
I think one of the most interesting places to visit in south west Asia is Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Burj Khalifa is the world's tallest tower. It was build for hotel uses. Don't you think it would be fantastic to get a room in Burj and sit in front of the window and look at the city? It would be a beautiful sight. Would you like to get a room in Burj and take a wonderful vacation?
I Came,I Saw,I Learned
Have you ever heard the phrase “Veni, Vidi, Vici”? This famous saying by Julius Ceasar came from his fast victory over Pontus in Turkey, which is a country in the Middle East. The phrase means “I came, I saw, I conquered”. This area in Turkey near the Black Sea is said to be a sweet kingdom. Some other cool things about this Middle Eastern country is that Turkey is the 37th largest country in the world. It is also bordered by 3 different seas, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea. And did you know that while Turkey is a bird name, the country also has over 472 species of birds there?
Religions and Belifs
All around the world people believe in many religion and beliefs.The two that really interest me are Judaism and Christianity. These religions are interesting to me because I'am half Christian and Jewish. See the Jewish people do not believe in Jesus because he did not fulfill the messianic prophecies. The Jewish belief is based on national revelation. So they refuse to believe in Jesus because of that. the Christians believe that any sinners that walk this earth should go to hell for any thing they do wrong. They also think they should go to hell if they do not believe in any gods or in this case Jesus. Christianity is a monotheistic based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ as presented in the new testament. The Jews believe also in the 13 principals of faith I don't know them all but some go like importance of action over belief, and the importance with Judaism. Christians believe in the 12 commandments some go like thou shall not lie, thou shall not steal, remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. I find both religion interesting but you may not so what ever one you think are interesting to you answer in the comments.

diverse cultures in southwest asia
more center of trading routes that 3,000 years ago the land of southwest Asia was at the center of trading routes that extended across Europe Africa and Asia time after time groups from within and outside the region conquered it. the movement of people across southwest Asia gave the region unique character people of many different ethnic groups and religious beliefs settled there Arabic speaking Arabs are the largest ethnic group in the region and Islam is their main religion but not all southwest Asians are Arabs many southwest Asians do not speak Arabic and many people including Arabic speaking Arab practice religions other than Islam. the people in southwest Asia belong to a mix of ethnic groups. today Arabs are the main ethnic group
in Saudi Arabia Jordan Syria Iraq Lebanon and other countries on the Arabian peninsula.
in Saudi Arabia Jordan Syria Iraq Lebanon and other countries on the Arabian peninsula.
So Many Different Faces
The Central Asian country of Uzbekistan is a landlocked country that used to be part of the Soviet Union. Many people suggest that you travel there in the spring because the temperature is scorching hot in the summer. Uzbekistan is home to many beautiful mosques, domes, and churches. The country of Uzbekistan also has a very diverse population of ethnic religions. The most popular language in Uzbekistan is by far Islam with a
population in 2009 of 96% of Uzbekistan being Muslim. Now you know more about Uzbekistan and I know I would like to visit it the question is Would you?
Tallest Tower in the WORLD!!!!!!!!
Mohamed Alabbar has the honor to admit that he has the largest
man-made tower in the world known as Burj Khalifa. Its symbolizes internal
cooperation,symbolic beacon of progress, and an emblem of the new, dynamic and
prosperous Middle East. It also proves that Dubai's growing role in a changing
world. The people of Dubai only needed fewer than 30 years to transform itself
from a regional center to a global one.
This success wasn't based on oil reserves, but on reserves on
human, talent, ingenuity,and initiative. Mohamed embodies that vision.
People clean the windows of Burj every single day. It takes at
least four months if not more to clean every window , to of the building to
bottom, top of the windows to bottom for tons of money. Would you take that
risk for money?
The Burj Khalifa
The Burj Khalifa is the world's tallest man-made structure located in Dubai. The Burj Khalifa (which for the sake of effort will now only be known as the Burj) is very intriguing to me. I find it interesting that people were able to make a structure that is 2,722 feet tall. for comparison, the Empire State building is a mere 1,454 feet tall. I wonder what would happen if it was any taller? Would it collapse? I have no clue and 100 years ago it would be insane to think the Burj possible. Yet here it stands proud and tall. it is very,very cool and I wonder if it will ever be expanded upon. I guess we will have to find out. Look images on Google it is also beautiful on the inside. I swear it's worth your time.
South West Culture
The Southwest Culture was different from the plains culture.they had certain beliefs that they couldn't drink or use allot of water,this was a precious natural resource for them.There were very few animals in the desert.This meant that the people couldn't count on hunting animals for food.they became farmers and planted, some culture tribes are antisizes,Hopi,and Pueblo.I think it would be kind of hard to farm and eating,and getting food in the dry thirsty dessert.This is the southwest culture.
The Stone City!
The rock face city of Petra Jordan is one of the most interesting sites in the world! This year marks the 200th anniversary of the rediscovery of the lost city. The Nabataeans carved this city out of pure rock more than 2,000 years ago. On either side to the entrant you'll encounter 80 meter sheer cliffs. The city was a hot spot for the trading of silk and spice in the ancient times. The city's sites are magnificent with vibrant red, white, and pink. The walls are not only beautiful in color they are also ginormous as you can see in this article . So what do you think of the stone city?
would you live here?
would you live in iran or not.I would not mind visiting iran but i think i'd rather stay home with my own family and friends because even know its beautiful place and all i don't think i could change my ways of living it would just be really weird that my advice on why i wouldn't live there.
I thought that a really cool place in the middle east is the Great Pyramid of Giza. This amazingly pyramid was the world's largest man-made building! The location of this amazing structure is in in El Giza, Egypt. This is the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. One really interesting thing is the structure of the pyramid. From bird's eye view, people estimated that the ratio of the perimeter to height is 1760 to 280 cubits equates to 2 times pi. Inside the pyramid is even more amazing. it is like a maze, described in the video below. I was just wondering, if you found the treasure in the pyramid, would you take it, or leave it to honor the king?
Let's go to Istanbul, Turkey!
The Hagia Sophia is a great museum in Istanbul, Turkey known for it's
history of art and agriculture is one of the world's most
prominent monument. This beautiful structure is described
like an eighth world wonder. This structure by the Emperor
Justinian in 1453 was originally a church, soon
converted into mosque, and was used as a mosque for 482 years.
The rich history in this museum attracts many tourists that
visit often. Opened now as a museum since 1935 by the
Council of Ministers. It is now open every day except
Mondays to visitors alike.The Hagia Sophia is an
amazing place to tour on a visit to Turkey. Would you
go to the Hagia Sophia?
prominent monument. This beautiful structure is described
like an eighth world wonder. This structure by the Emperor
Justinian in 1453 was originally a church, soon
converted into mosque, and was used as a mosque for 482 years.
The rich history in this museum attracts many tourists that
visit often. Opened now as a museum since 1935 by the
Council of Ministers. It is now open every day except
Mondays to visitors alike.The Hagia Sophia is an
amazing place to tour on a visit to Turkey. Would you
go to the Hagia Sophia?
The Attractions of Turkey
Turkey is one of the many interesting countries
in Asia. There are plenty of things to see and do. One of the many attractions
is Choruh Valley . Choruh Valley has Mountains, pastures and canyons that were
once carved by tributaries. Not to mention all of the fun activities you can
do. Snowshoeing is very popular in the Choruh valley. In the winter the Kackar Mountains
are covered with snow from 2-3 ms deep. However, this is not all turkey has to
offer. There is a famous place called Istanbul where people are able to be in
two continents at once. This city is on a peninsula and it is surrounded by the
golden horn (a natural harbor on the north).If you could pick one of these
places to visit what would you choose?
War In The Middle East
The Middle East has long been the
battleground for conflicts over key natural resources, turning its past into a
narrative war by religious differences, powerful militias and national
interests. Ordinary Afghans want peace
and an end to conflict, and they want to see the root causes of fighting dealt
with. Poverty is driving the conflict. The conflict of the wars in the Middle East is starting because of natural resources are limited in the Middle East. Do
you think the wars should continue to the winner get’s all the resources or
should they work the conflict out?
The Tallest Tower in The World
Did you know that the world’s tallest building
in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai,
United Arab Emirates? It is 2,722 feet tall and construction began on September 21, 2004, with the exterior of the
structure completed on October 1, 2009. The building officially opened
on 4 January 2010. So next time you to Dubai would visit this famous
tower that is know all around the world, but if you’re afraid of heights I wouldn't
suggest it?
The Empty Quarter Needs A Friend
The Empty Quarter (or Rub' al Khali) is the largest sand desert in the world. Rub' al Khali is located in the Arabian Peninsula. Even though it is called a "quarter" meaning 1/5 Rub' al Khali is actually about one third of the Arabian Peninsula. The desert covers a whopping 650,000 square kilometers (250,000 sq mi).
The quarter even covers an area of 650,000 km2! The elevation varies from 800 meters to sea level. The entire desert is covered in sand as well. The climate is classified as "hyper-arid" with an annual rain-fall of 30 millimeters. Rub' al Khali reaches temperatures of 117 °F to 133 °F.
All that lives in this quarter are scorpions and rodents, there are also a few plants. The quarter is even rich with oil!
Even with all his oil, no one lives in The Empty Quarter, Rub' al Khali has no friends. Though he is hot and pretty much
impossible to live in, will you be his friend? What do you think of the Empty Quarter and would you live there if you had
food and drink sources?
The quarter even covers an area of 650,000 km2! The elevation varies from 800 meters to sea level. The entire desert is covered in sand as well. The climate is classified as "hyper-arid" with an annual rain-fall of 30 millimeters. Rub' al Khali reaches temperatures of 117 °F to 133 °F.
All that lives in this quarter are scorpions and rodents, there are also a few plants. The quarter is even rich with oil!
Even with all his oil, no one lives in The Empty Quarter, Rub' al Khali has no friends. Though he is hot and pretty much
impossible to live in, will you be his friend? What do you think of the Empty Quarter and would you live there if you had
food and drink sources?
tallest building
the tallest tower in the world is The world's tallest man-made structure is the 829.8 m (2,722 ft) tall Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.building only if at least fifty percent of its height is made up of floor plates containing habitable floor area. today there are still conflicts in Syria and some are. Syrian conflicts is they need money because they don't have enough money too feed and give materials to support families.do u think this is a big problem in Syria? and do you think those floor plates should count as the building?
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