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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

oh my goodness GREEKS and Olympics!!

In 700 B.C the ancient Greeks started the Olympics. They had the Olympics every four years. They did this in the honor of their god, Zeus. Only men were allowed to attend to these games. The sports that they did were, running, wrestling, boxing, and probably many more. In boxing people started out using leather gloves and went to using medal type gloves. The Olympics greatly expanded from 1  to 5 days of the Olympics. On the first day everybody gave sacrifices. The middle day 100 oxen’s were sacrificed in honor of their gods. Do you think that the Greek Olympics were preformed in the right way? 

1 comment:

  1. I think they were performed in the right way. It’s cool to see how the Olympics developed, along with other things like the fighting gloves. How long did it take for the Olympics to develop from 1 day to 5 days? Was it for religious regions or just because they couldn't fit all of the events in?
