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Friday, October 18, 2013

That Big Blue River

I was never really a big fan of S.S. as a kid, I would always want to fall asleep during the government unit. I finally found something that interests me! I found the Nile River interesting because it’s the longest river in the world! It flows from East Africa to the Mediterranean Sea and it’s more than 4,000 miles long. Another interesting thing is that The Nile has 2 different sources, the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The Blue Nile goes through the highlands of Ethiopia, and the White Nile flows through the swamps in East Africa. Do you think it would be cool to visit the river?


  1. I wasn't a big fan of S.S either, but still some things are interesting like the Nile river. I think its quite impossible for a river to be that long, But it still exists which is really weird, and interesting. I wonder how it started? and where does it end?.

  2. I like the Nile too! In fact my blog post is mainly about the Nile and Egypt also. It is amazing how far this river stretches. I think it would be awesome to visit the Nile someday. It ends in the Mediterranean sea and no one will probably ever know how it started because they didnt write and record info back then. Why is the White Nile called the White Nile and the Blue Nile called the Blue Nile?
