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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trojan Horses are Definitely Not Birthday Presents

   Most of you probably know the story about the Greeks and the Trojan Horse - how the Greeks climbed into the giant wooden horse, the Trojans (stupidly) thought it was a gift and brought it inside the city, and how the Greeks climbed out and burned down the city.
 The story always made me laugh a little; the Trojans being vain enough to accept a gift from the country they're pretty much at war with, and the blatantly obvious idea the Greeks came up with. But really, if you think about it, the Trojan Horse was one brilliant idea. Disguising yourself into something desirable, only to emerge as one of the Trojans' worst nightmares? Pure genius. It was a really smart idea on their part.
     But the Trojans? Should have known better. Really - how many birthday parties have they thrown where the gifts included a giant horse? Better judgement could have saved their city...
Just saying. Trojan Horses? Not a good present.
  What do you think? Are the Trojans at fault for letting in the horse?


  1. Yes, I think the Trojans are at fault. Two wise people said it was a trap, don't keep it, but, the people listened to Sinon, a Greek. For the truth, who would listen to an enemy, even though the person is mad at his own kind? Seriously you got to do better than listen to an enemy. Would you have taken it, if you were a person in Troy, without any knowledge of the Horse?

  2. Yes, I completely agree with you, Emma. I think that the Trojans are totally at fault for their city falling. Like, you said, What country would accept a present from a country that your basically in war with? I think that the Trojans could've done many other things to prevent that from happening, but it was a great idea on the Greeks' part. What were the Trojans thinking?
