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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Athens way of GOVERNMENT!

The Greeks may not be what you expected them to be. For example with the Athens way of law they invented the Democracy. That's still the government we use today. I don't know about you, but I did not know about that until now. They're some things about their law that aren't really fair. For example you had to be a citizen to enjoy the freedom of the Athens way of government. In order to be a citizen you had to be a man, your parents had to be citizens, and you could not be a slave. Only one out of five people were citizens of Athens. It kind of reminds me of how a long time ago in America women could not vote. In a way we were kind of like the Greeks in the olden days. We still use the same way of government and our past is relatively similar. If you had to choose a way to govern a place, what would you do?

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