I found the most interesting part about ancient Greek religions was all the gods they had. Many of you know about the gods of Olympus, and Percy Jackson, but did you know that Zeus, ruler of the gods, was a playboy? He married most of the goddesses on Olympus, and had kids with all of them. For instance, with Hera. He married her and cheated on her, A LOT! He also had children with his sisters,(Yuck) and nine muses. Zeus' kids are the most well known of all the gods. Their names are Hercules, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Orion, Aphrodite, Persephone, Helen of Troy, and the muses and the fates. Zeus was a very busy god! http://esmef.hubpages.com/hub/Zeus--The-Ultimate-Player Check this out for the info on Zeus's busy, BUSY love life! :)
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