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Saturday, October 19, 2013

an eye for a eye

I think a eye for a eye would be unfair becuase if your rich you dont get in as much trubble as if your poor. if you were poor it could end up very bad if you had no food becuase if you stoll food then you could get in lot of trubble. If you were rich and you stoll something then you would be in less trouble. This rule would be unfair becuase it treats people differntly depending on your social status and how much money you have. People from ancient countrys werent as civalized as people now so I could see them having more strict laws becuase there were probally more people out of there percentage of population breaking laws so yah I could see why it was more strict.
I think this law would be  a  unfair law becuase people are treated differntly depending on there social status.

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