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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Ancient Greek Olympics!!! :}

                                                            The Ancient Greek Olympics
          The Greek Olympics began in the early 700 BC. The Olympics were in honour of Zeus, his hand-made golden statue stands 42 feet high located in Olympia. The main sports that were held in the Olympics were Boxing, wrestling, and races. For the races, one involves full on armor. In wrestling it was illegal to bit as well. Boxing was more brutal, so the Greeks used different methods to decrease the pain.  I feel bad because, women were not allowed to watch or participate in the games. I'm just glad us woman, have our rights now a days. It's cool to know that sports really didn't change over centuries! Don't you agree?

                         By: Reyana H.


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  3. I agree! I have heard that women weren't allowed to watch because the men were not wearing any clothes, so it might have good thing that women didn't watch. What do you think? That's really cool that the Olympics were made to honor Zeus and that he has a 42 foot status in Olympia. Is this were the Olympics going on today started?
