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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Greece; the Nation of War

Greece; the Nation of War

                Back in the day a nation called Greece flourished. Greece has waged war against its neighbors and has many slaves to farm for them. Even with most of their power derived from the neighbors by them, they spend their time quarreling amongst themselves. The most devastating war between its own city states is the war Between Athens and Sparta. Sparta won this war and became the strongest of all the city states, while Athens never returned to become a strong city, as described here http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/PeloponnesianWar/. Greece has gained wealth, power, and strength. Greece has devastated itself by its intercity wars. Though what if Greece was peaceful within itself? What if Greece never waged war with itself? These are questions that I now leave you with to answer.

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