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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Malawi Needs What?!

Look at what you are sitting on right now. Now look at what your computer is on. Most likely it is a chair and desk (Unless you're using a laptop or tablet away from your desk and chair). Have you ever thought that you were pretty lucky to have a desk or chair? Well you are, In Malawi, Africa they used to not have desks or chairs in school! That was until Lawrence O’Donnell visited Mawali and found this out. The children had to sit on a dirt floor or for the richer schools, a cracked concrete floor. If you or I sat on a concrete floor for 10 minutes we might hurt. They have to sit on one for 7 hours, 5 days a week, all while reading, writing, and learning. O’Donnell wanted to change this so he found a guy in Malawi who could make chairs and desks, for one desk the price was $48, and each desk could sit 2, and if they squish 3. He bought 30 desks, enough for one classroom. The children were so happy when they saw the desks! One man said it was like Christmas for them (Which by the way, they don't have Christmas). They had men to unload the desks, but the kids were so excited, they unloaded them their selves. Yet this was only one classroom out of Mawali, there were plenty others in need of these desks. After O’Donnell’s vacation he started K.I.N.D. (Kids In Need of Desks). So Please tell your parents about this and try to get them to donate, or donate your self. So last of all, put your self in their shoes, what would you do if you were them?

 Turn This:                                           Into This:



  1. To answer your question Justin, I really don't know what would do being how fortunate I am, but I think that I would be very uncomfortable and I might get some sort of back problems, but like i said earlier i really don't know what I would do without really being them. Also I found that Lawrence O'Donnell has done other things for less fortunate kids in and out of his country.

  2. This is a stunning topic, and honestly I wish I picked this! First off I can't imaging how hard it would be to write on a dirt floor and have to sit on it for seven hours a day. I also did some research and a organization named UNICEF delivered a total of 100 desks to schools last months, and they, "only" have 46,000 to go! One last thing is that I will definitely tell my parents about this amazing cause!
