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Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Trypanosomiasis Disease is Evil...

African trypanosomiasis, or as most people call it, the sleeping sicknesss, is a disease that can be spread by the tsetse fly. This disease is normally found in the poor areas of Africa, where they don't have very good health systems, and political instabilities. Hense, it does NOT help with reducing the disease spread. However, in the 1990's, they stared to have hope. They had finally found a treatment that did not completely stop the sleeping sickness, but it did help to reduce the number of people who had died because of the disease. What would you do first if you had the sleeping sickness?

1 comment:

  1. The first thing I would do if I had sleeping sickness is freak out and start panicking around. I hope that they find a way to completly get rid of the sleeping sickness but it's good the found a treatment that some what helped it. The sad thing is that it's hard to tell you have the sleeping sickness until you're on the second stage. Good blog post Tanuja.
