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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Who knew bed nets can save lives!

            In Africa many kids are dying from a disease caused from mosquitoes called Malaria. By donating a bed net that cost only ten dollars helps reduce the illness, Malaria. A  ben net is literally a Net that goes over your bed, this helps children and families from getting Malaria. In fact this illness has killed 1,000s of people all around the world, but mostly in Africa. So far 7,000,000 bed nets have been sent! Bed nets have saved many lives! Would you want to buy a bed net for child in need?


  1. Seeing what the net is made out of, I am surprised that many Africans and other people around the world did not use bed nets before the 1,000's of deaths. If someone needed a bed net and since they only cost ten dollars, I would definitely buy one for a person in need.

  2. What is the bed nets made out of? If they are really that effective at keeping mosquitoes away then maybe we could use them in other places too. Also for ten bucks I sure would buy a bed net because it would save a life or lives. I think everyone should buy at least one bed net for someone in Africa.
