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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bed Nets Can Save Lives!

    In Africa all over the country has used bed nets to save lives from malaria. Malaria used to be really bad in Africa and killed many people,until the UN agencies purchased them and gave the bed nets to families in Africa. The bed nets would just go over the bed when the families fell asleep and then the kids and adults wouldn't get bit by Malaria. Eventually 7,000,000,000 families had bed nets. Overall, bed nets save lives all over Africa. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome that there is somewhat of a solution to malaria in Africa. The one problem though is that the nets only really help in the daytime. Did you know that 85% of malaria cases happened in Africa? I am glad about the nests but we can only hope that one day there will be a permanent solution to malaria in Africa.
