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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sleeping Sickness

Sleeping Sickness is caused by microscopic parasite called Trypanosoma brucei. However, this parasite is transmitted by tsetse flies which can be found in rural areas in Africa. This parasite flows in your blood with their flagella. There is cures for this disease, but they have protein shield which is used when white blood cells recognize these proteins as disease. When the white blood cells build up anti bodies and attack, the parasite will change their protein armor, so it makes the anti bodies useless. When they are inside your blood, they usually reproduce and take away the red blood cell's nutrients and makes the person have a coma. Do you know anything more about these Sleeping Sickness?


  1. I did my post on the sleeping sickness too! Anyway I read that in 36 countries in sub-Saharan Africa is where the flies mostly occur. Millions of people die from the sleeping sickness sadly the millions of people, are the ones who live in remote places. Not only people but many animals are able to catch the infectious disease as well. I feel bad for all the victims of the sickness, I'm just glad we don't have this problem.

  2. Yes I know that once they go in a coma they have a very high chance of dying. I fell like if I had sleeping sickness I would be so scared of dying. It doesn't only happen in humans though, it happens in animals too. The Trypanosoma bucei must really like killing people. How would you react if you had this disease.
