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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

ZzZ Sleeping sickness ZzZ

In Africa there has been a very lethal disease or sickness found. This sickness is called, "Sleeping Sickness". Sleeping sickness is transmitted by flies that look like ordinary house flies, however they carry a deadly virus. Also what this sickness does is make you very tired and weak. Then after a little bit you go into a coma and later die.So my question to you is, how would you react if you found out you contacted this sickness?


  1. I recently did a post about sleeping sickness too! I thought it was sad that lots of people were dying because of this disease. I saw a website that said that the disease was carried by tsetse fly. When you get this disease, you will first get painless skin ulcer then you will get behavior changes and you will lose your appetite. If I found out I contacted this sickness I would freak out because I recently learned this. Then I would first go to the hospital and talk with the doctor. Then I would try to find medicine so I can cure this disease fast.

  2. i did a post on the same thing. I thought this disease is horrifying but the only good thing about dying from it is that you want know you die you will just wake up in a better place. If i found out that i had it i would be kinda happy but then i would remember that i'm dying.
