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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Muslims Deserve a Chance

There have been recent reports of ethnic cleansing of the Muslims in the Central African Republic. The country, a former French colony has gone out of control without anyone to lead them. To fill the power slot the Christian anti-balake militias has ridden to power, and with a bang. There are allegations of these miltia sending harsh and powerful attacks on Muslim communities, but there are no end to them. "They killed my children heartlessly," a Muslim mother reports, just as other families do in the loss of family members.  What do you think of this story, should there be action taken, should there be another power to control the Central African Republic?


  1. This is so sad! Everyone should be treated equally. There should most definitely take action. Someone needs to stop it! Nobody deserves to be treated that way. It is escpecially unfair because some of the other countries, besides the US,are treated extremely unfairly. Do you think it is unfair?


  2. I heard that thousands of people died, and they asked France for peacekeeping troops. This is a terrible, and sad story about the Muslims being attacked by anti-balake militas. I think everybody should listen to this blog. This should tell the world that we need to make peace in the world.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That is terrible!!!! Someone should definitely take action and fast. I read that there may not be any Muslims in the Central African Republic left if this continues! This is not right and unfair to all Muslims. Everyone should be treated the same. I hope someone will help these people I know I would if I could.
