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Monday, October 14, 2013

Nomad's Land

    The one topic that I find more interesting about the early hominids were how some of them were Nomads. The Nomads are people who have no settled home. Many bible characters were thought to have lived in a way of life, where they don't have a "home" and it's only temporary.. They had a very simple life and could only carry along very few items at a time. What do you think about the Nomads and their Nomadic lifestyle? I think it's a really interesting part of the book!


  1. Being a Nomad would be pretty fun, imagine all the places you would see! And, on the plus side, you'd be super fit too, (from all that walking.) One down side would be how long it takes to get from one place to another. Your aunt walks up to you; "Dinner at my temporary home, Saturday. Be there." Then on Saturday you start walking, and walking, and walking... You know what? I take back the comment on being a Nomad's fun because, I'm pretty thankful for cars...

  2. Wow, You have a big dream. It would be fun but only for a little there are way to many rules, and they would be hard to follow. Like what if you did something wrong your whole town would know and be upset about it. You would also only have to carry everything. I would not be able to do that at all. I agree with adell i love cars to....
