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Monday, October 14, 2013

Building houses for people in ancient times!

When ancient people lived they didn't have as many things that we have today like decent houses, roads, cars, laptops, phones, iPods, and many other things. If I could go back in time and make something for them that would help there Civilization I would make them better houses. I would make them this so that they have nice places to live and this will improve on their civilization.  When I get to the ancient times the first I will do is explore how life was back then. I would do this because I think that it is very interesting how they lived back then. I would also want to see how differently they lived compared to us. After I’m done exploring the ancient times I will confront the leader of the village and ask if I can build new houses. Once I do I build the new houses in that village I will go to another one and ask if I can build houses there too. Once this process keeps going civilization in that country will be much better than it was before!

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