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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Who is stronger Roman Gods or Greek Gods?

In a lot of stories it said that the Roman Gods were more savage than the Greek Gods were. Like for instance the Greek Gods may seem bad but the Roman Gods are much worse. Roman Gods were made after the Greek Gods. The Romans had heard about the Greek Gods and so they made exact copies with different names of the Greek Gods. For every God that the Greeks had the Romans adopted them as their own but with some of them they changed their personality to seem like they were Roman. The Roman Gods and the Greek Gods have a deep hatred for each other. But the weird thing is they have never even confronted each other. Stories say that in the battle against the titans the Roman Gods and the Greek Gods worked together to beat the Titans though the Greeks fought more than the Romans did because the Greeks fought an army and the Romans fought to save a mountain. The Romans and the Greeks are equally strong but the Romans have a different story than the Greeks do. Who do you think is stronger the Roman Gods or the Greek Gods?


  1. That was a good post Wyatt! I had no clue that the Romans and Greeks hated each other. I knew that the Roman gods were models of the Greek god but with different names and different features. I thought I read in a book that the Roman gods were known to be more violent. Also, if I had to chose between the Greeks and the Romans on who is more powerful, I would chose the Greeks because they are original gods, not the replicas or copies.

  2. That is interesting that Roman Gods were named after Greek Gods. It is also interesting that the Romans made exact copies with different names of the Greek Gods. I would expect that the Greek Gods and the Roman Gods would hate each other and it was for a god reason. Wow they never faced each other, now that is weird and interesting.
