Historians believe that somewhere around 750 B.C the villages all around began to make cities. Every one of the cities was close to an acropolis. These cities started to get bigger, so they were called city-states. Every one of the city-states had their own rules, goals, and also laws. The Greeks are very loyal to their city or state. All of the Greeks have the same language and believe in the same god or religion. When the Greeks make a new city-state, they bring all their ideas in and agree, they also very proud to be Greek which is great. What are some other facts about Greeks?
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Thursday, October 31, 2013
Mount Olympus home of the gods
Greek mythology 12 Gods made a council. These gods made their home on Mount Olympus.
Meanwhile, this was where the gods discussed and made decisions for the fate of
the world. Mount Olympus had staff such as servants, Dockers, preachers,
doorkeepers and many more. However, if any of the gods broke any of their oaths
he/she was banished from Mount Olympus and could not come to any meetings ever
again. No human would ever be aloud at Olympus. Can you name the 12 Olympians?
About Zeus
There was twelve titans and the youngest of the titans, Cronos, ruled in his father's place.In time, Cronos had six children.The youngest, mighty Zeus toppled Cronos from his throne.
Everyone Loves The Greeks And Some May Not Know
Everyone likes the Greeks and some people don't even know that they do. If you like the Olympics, you like the Greeks and here is why. The Greeks started the Olympics in 776 B.C. The competitions took place to honor the Greek Gods. For the first thirteen Olympic games, there was one sport and that was the sprint. Next, the pentathlon was added along with it's events including discus, javelin, jumping, running, and wrestling. I have a couple of questions. Do you wish that you were in the Olympics? If you were in the Olympics, what sport would you want to compete in? Did you know that the Greeks started the Olympics or not?
Greek Gods
Oh yes Greece! With tons of culture and history. With the supreme ruler like Zeus, and their history. The gods seemed like murderer or torturers to me, because they crave so much power. Hera tortured the people who Zeus loved other than her, Apollo's and Artemis's mother had killed 12 innocent children because of unnecessary boasting. Athena had turned someone into a spider for beating her in a knitting contest. Ever Zeus, whose father taken over his father by force, and after that, he killed his own father a Titan. Everyone seemed to be tortured or going too far. it just seems they don't have a system of punishment. What do you think about this? I feel it's too much to handle.
The Three Gods
You probably have heard of Zeus but by a different name. Jupiter is Zeus in roman. Zeus had two brothers. His brothers were Poseidon and Hades. Neptune is Poseidon in roman. Pluto is Hades in roman. Any way when their father died the three brothers split the world into three Sections. Zeus owned the Heavens, Poseidon owned the Sea and Hades owned the Underworld. Zeus had a lot of wives. Poseidon had tons of wives also. Hades had one wife and her name was Persephone. Tell me what Greek god is your favorite. Heres a link to see all the greek gods and their names in roman and greek.
Early Greek civilization
The term archaic Greece refers to the time three centuries before the classical relative between 800 b.c
and 500 b.c a relatively sophisticated period in word archaic. Greece saw advances in art poetry and
technology but most of all it was the age in which the polish or polish became the defining feature of Greek political life for hundreds of years.
This is Sparta!
The Spartans were a very important part of ancient Greek history. The Spartans were fighters, they were one of the best army's in all the world. They reached their peak of power in 404 B.C after their win against Athens in the 2nd Peloponnesian war. However, after 2 decades the Spartans began to lose power. The Spartans ruled during the dark ages and were ruthless. There have been many video games and movies made after the Spartans like 300 and Halo. Would you have liked Spartans and train for battle every day? I'l let you be the judge.
Olympic Gods
I've just getting into the
Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan I’ve heard he’s a good author. It's about
the Greek gods and their half mortal and half godly children. I think that all
the powers that the gods have are really cool such as flying, breathing
underwater, making curses, etc. the part I've herd about the most is the part with all of the crazy monsters
and animals! They go as far as gigantic three headed dogs to tiny little
fairies. Greek mythology is very interesting but also very creepy and weird sometimes.
What do you think about it?
the greeks are just like you and me!
There are lots of interesting things about the ancient Greeks but the most interesting is that even so long ago they still did a lot of the things we do today. If the men went training to be in the military they were watching and preforming plays and dramas that they can relate to. The woman were not allowed to watch or preform in the theater but the men did not play woman roles. The lives of woman were very close to domestic work, spinning, weaving, and other jobs, they were not a part of public life and politics. Children spent their time playing with toys and dolls around the house. Most of the Greeks made their living off farming although the climate did not make it easy for them. What if you went back in time to the ancient Greeks, what would you do?
PANing for greek gold
Pan was the son of Hermes and Penelope (later married to Odysseus) in some myths and the son of Zeus and the nymph Callisto in others. He was the god of flocks and shepherds. He was the Greek god of goatherds and sheep. In appearance he is Human but has goat feet and legs. He is an excellent musician and plays the pan pipe. Who's your favorite Greek god?
I would like to understand this Greek!
Oh yes Greece! With tons of culture and history (don't forget the wars). With the supreme ruler Zeus, and their history. The gods seemed like murderer or torturers to me, because they crave power so much. Hera tortured the people who Zeus loved other than her, Apollo's and Artemis's mother had killed 12 innocent children because of unnecessary boasting. Athena had turned someone into a spider for beating her in a knitting contest. Ever Zeus, whose father taken over his father by force, and after that, he killed his own father. Everyone seemed to be tortured or going too far, it just seems they don't have a system of punishment... What do you think about this? I feel it's too much to handle.
The Trick
The Greeks had a trick, it was called the Trojan horse. The Greek warriors hid inside a HUGE wooden horse Then they rolled the horse to the city gates. Thinking it was a gift the Trojans brought the horse into the city. When it got dark the Greek soldiers climbed out and let the army into troy, then burned and looted and left. At first I thought for sure that it wouldn't work but apparently it did! But after the Trojan war the Greek Civilization collapsed but no one knows how or why. How do YOU think the Greek civilization fell?
Slaves in the Athens
Most families in Greece owned a slave. In fact, most homes needed a slave or things wouldn't really work out. traveling on ships or during the war, armies and pirates would capture people they came across. Those people where then enslaved. The Greeks didn't like having another Greek for a slave, so most of the slaves were foreigners. Also, some of the slaves were children! Slaves would help on the farm, served food, took care of children, and mined. Slaves that would work for families were treated like a family member. Slaves that worked in the mines, were not treated well. The slaves that worked for a family lived much longer then the ones who worked in the mines. What do you think about slavery in Greece?
Trojan Horse
I think that the Greek warriors were very smart. I feel this way because of the Trojan horse idea. Haven’t heard about it? Well, I’ll tell you. The Trojan horse was a large, wooden horse the Greek warriors used in war. The soldiers hid inside, and the horse was rolled to the gate of Troy, a Trojan city. The Trojans thought it was a gift, so they rolled the horse into the city. During the night, the Greek soldiers came out and let the rest of their army in through the gates. They then looted and burned the city. This in my opinion was not very nice… Still, it was a sneaky idea, and I thought it was pretty cool. What do you think, was it a good idea?
Anicent Geek Names
At the start of this project, I did not expect that I would end up researching geek names but then I thought it would be awesome to find some names that the geeks had. Therefore, here are some funny/cool names I found researching, Zeuxis, Tiro, Mys, Ion, and Hero. Those are just some of the geek names I found from A to Z. One of my favorite geek names is Hero. Which name that I said was your favorite name?
A,B,C...1,2,3 Roman Numerals
Roman number are a combination of symbols, So II is two ones,
2, and XIII is a ten and three ones, 13,There is no zero in this system of
roman numerals. All of the numbers used in the roman system are all seven
symbols, X 10, L 50, C 100, D 500, and M 1,000. Roman numerals are now written
with letters of the Roman alphabet, but they were originally independent
symbols. If you had a choice of the American number system or Roman
what would you choose?
The Arts Of The Greeks
Greeks usually use visual arts; they used architecture and sculpture, to “worship”
their gods. The Greeks are actually the first people to write play and are
known as the playwrights. Their most magnificent work was called “the Parthenon”
it’s a temple to the goddess Athena. The goal of Greek art was too was to
present beautiful images of perfection in a balanced, orderly, and neatly way. What
do you guy’s thing of the visual Greek art?
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Trick or Treat
The Greeks were very tricky and sneaky. They wanted to conquer Troy and therefore gave the Trojans a treat and some tricks up their sleeves. What was this trick and treat? Well you're about to find out. A really long time ago according to the myth,the Greeks used a trick-the Trojan Horse. The Trojan Horse was a humongous horse made out of wood and in the horse were the Greek soldiers. The Trojan horse was rolled right outside the city gates. The Greeks who were hoping that the Trojans would take the bait got their wish because the Trojans took the bait! The Trojans thought it was a gift and therefore brought it in without even taking a second glance inside the horse to see if there any (*clears throat*) humans...partially their enemies, the Greeks. When the sun set down and the moon shined high the Greeks climbed out of the Trojan horse, quietly went to the city gates, and lead in the rest of their army buddies in. After everyone was in they burned Troy and looted the Trojans of their stuff. When finished they went back to their home sweet home. Do you think that they were clever? Was this a good plan?
Ancient Greek Food, Is It On Your Shopping List?
The traditions of Greek foods today was started long
ago. Ancient Greeks were surrounded by
water, so they ate a large variety of seafood. Some of the seafood they
ate was different kinds of fish, octopus, squid, and shellfish. These
foods were the only kind of meat they ate on a regular basis. They ate
other meats only on special occasions such as religious festivals.
The main foods the Greeks ate were olives, bread, and wine. They did not have food from America because it was not yet discovered by them yet. Crusty bread rolls, goat cheese, and olives were the mainstay for meals. These foods were the start of the wonderful Greece cuisine that we know of today. Do you like Greek food?
The main foods the Greeks ate were olives, bread, and wine. They did not have food from America because it was not yet discovered by them yet. Crusty bread rolls, goat cheese, and olives were the mainstay for meals. These foods were the start of the wonderful Greece cuisine that we know of today. Do you like Greek food?
Zeus the King of the Gods
Greeks worshiped the twelve Olympians that were Gods
and Goddesses. The Greeks honored their Gods, they asked for blessings and they
tried not to make them mad.
Temples were built where Greeks lived. Zeus was the king of the gods and ruled Gods and men from
atop Mt. Olympus. This is Greece’s highest mountain. To honor Zeus, the
city-states came together every four years for an Olympian festival and
games. The modern Olympics games
are based on this tradition. Why
do you think the Greeks choose to honor Zeus every four years? Why not every
two years?
History Found Guilty for Being Lame
History Found Guilty for Being Lame
In my opinion, Ancient Greek law was
more fair than today’s laws. One cool
thing about their legal system back in the day was that they could write the
name of a politician on a piece of broken pottery, called ostracon, and if that
politician got over 600 votes they would be banished from the city of Athens
for 10 years. Don’t you think that’s a
fair system? How many of our politicians
do you think we would ban from Washington DC if we had this law?
Another interesting fact about their
legal system is that they had juries of 500 or more people to decide guilt or
innocence. And they didn’t have lawyers,
they had to defend themselves. The jury
used a guilty jar and a not guilty jar and each person would put a metal disc
into one of the two jars. Most votes win!
The Punishment For Prometheus
Some people don't know about Prometheus and how he was punished for being a decedent of the Titans which means he has a child who is a Greek god and now he is being punished for it. If you do know about how Prometheus Titan of molding mankind out of clay and how he was punished then you know how it goes good but if you don't let me start at the being so you understand it. When the Greek god Zeus and his brothers where born the Titan lord Kronos ate all his kids because of the prophecy that one of his own sons will overthrown him and he did not want that to happen but it turned out that Kronos wife gave him a rock instead of Zeus. Rhea (Kronos wife) hid baby Zeus on the island of Krete. When Zeus grew up he forced his father to bring up his brothers Poseidon and Hades. A great war had started agents Titans and Greek gods which is when they cut up Kronos and threw him in the pit of Tartarus and the other Titans where killed or some where punished like Prometheus or Atlas (he was the general next to Kronos) who had to hold up the sky because he lead the Titans to war with the gods. Zeus choose the punishment for Prometheus he sentenced him to eternal torment so he was bound to a rock where each day an eagle would come and eat his live but because Prometheus was immortal he just came back to life. Do you think it was right that Prometheus was punished this way why or why not?
How is the new and old Olympics different?
The new Olympics are very different from the old Olympics. In the old Olympics only Greeks could participate now almost every country in the world. Also before only boys could be in the Olympics now boys and girls can participate in the Olympics. Before there where only a few activities now there are hundreds of sports in the Olympics. The old Olympics were from 1 day to three days now they are about two weeks. And lastly the old Olympics didn't have a lot of people the new Olympics have millions of people. How do you think there different?
To Greek or not to Greek
Okay, so they didn't have Shakespeare, but the Greeks pretty much invented theater and the arts. (If you have not guessed it yet I did my post on Greek theater not Greek mythology or anything) In ancient Greece between 550 B.C. and 220 B.C. theatrical culture flourished. The Greeks discovered three genres of plays, comedy, tragedy, and satyr plays. In those times only one person played all the parts in a show, that includes crew! Later on only three actors were allowed to play all the parts in a show. Soon some non speaking roles were allowed onstage and the chorus and musicians became a big part of shows. The actors were all male and were all amateurs, (they had no training). The actors used large gestures so the large audience could understand even though the theater was shaped so sound projected, with so many people it can be hard to project your voice. It had to have been hard work to put on a show back then. I wonder what it would be like, what do you think?
The Sneaky Greeks
So there was this war a REALLY long time ago. The Trojan War......
This was was between Ancient Greece and and a city called Troy. The Greek warriors wanted to destroy it. So they made a very clever plan. The warriors built a giant, wooden horse, and hid inside of it. The horse was rolled in to the city gates of Troy, thinking it was a gift. Here's when the plan comes in. During the night, the Greek warriors came out of their hiding place. Then, they let in the rest of the army(who were probably waiting outside of the city gates) and started to burn, loot, basically destroy the city. I thought the Greek warriors had a very smart plan. What do you think? Was the Greeks' plan clever? Or not?
This was was between Ancient Greece and and a city called Troy. The Greek warriors wanted to destroy it. So they made a very clever plan. The warriors built a giant, wooden horse, and hid inside of it. The horse was rolled in to the city gates of Troy, thinking it was a gift. Here's when the plan comes in. During the night, the Greek warriors came out of their hiding place. Then, they let in the rest of the army(who were probably waiting outside of the city gates) and started to burn, loot, basically destroy the city. I thought the Greek warriors had a very smart plan. What do you think? Was the Greeks' plan clever? Or not?
Greeks the inventor of yogurt? or γρεεξ θε ινβεντωρς οφ υόγυρτ
Greeks such a peaceful civilization. Not really in the early stages of the greek civilization it was a "war mongering " country. Ancient Greece was a sparse country that was always fighting wether another civalazation or theres! Ancient greece was always at war a lot of the times with there own country Greece mostly had to loot and burn other countries or there own towns for food because greece is a mountainas country so its hard to farm the only thing they could do was trade or raid. The Greek civalazation was a civilization that was focused on religon, honor, and early science. most famuos Greek buildings were made of marble so it was probally a abundant resource. The greek civalazation was a facinating civilization that was forced to trade becuase it is a mountainas peninsula so it dosent have room to farm. Did the greeks have a good and successful civilazation
Mount Olympus. "Mountain of The Gods"
Mount Olympus is the most worshiped place in Greece. Mount Olympus has some of the most gorgeous natural features, such as numerous forests, and beautiful gorges. It was a kingdom for many Olympian Gods. The main palace at Mount Olympus was The Palace of Zeus. Mount Olympus also happens to be the tallest mountain in Greece, at a height of 2.917 miles. They used to say that if a god broke an oath that they would have a punishment of leaving Mount Olympus for nine years and unable to take part in any god gatherings. The Olympians even had a whole set of staff, like doctors, servants, and preachers. In the history of Mount Olympus the Olympian overthrew the Titans that once ruled Mount Olympus in a Legendary battle called the Battle of The Titans. So ask yourself, "Do I believe in gods in the Greek Mythology"?
Greek God Posiden
Greek god Poseidon is god of the sea. He controls all rivers,ocean,streams,and
earthquakes. He is the creator of horses and is known to carry his trident. His
main domain is the sea and horses and dolphins honor him. Poseidon was the
child of Kronos and Rhea, and brother to Zeus and Hades. His Roman
counterpart is Neptune.There is a Homeric hymn to Poseidon, who was the protector of many Hellenic
cities, although he lost the contest for Athens to Athena. According to
the references from Platoin his dialogue Timaeus and Critias. What do you think about Poseiden.
oh my goodness GREEKS and Olympics!!
In 700 B.C
the ancient Greeks started the Olympics. They had the Olympics every four years.
They did this in the honor of their god, Zeus. Only men were allowed to attend
to these games. The sports that they did were, running, wrestling, boxing, and probably many more. In boxing people
started out using leather gloves and went to using medal type gloves. The Olympics
greatly expanded from 1 to 5 days of the Olympics. On the first day
everybody gave sacrifices. The middle day 100 oxen’s were sacrificed in honor
of their gods. Do you think that the Greek Olympics were preformed in the right
Olympics in Greek times
The Olympic games in Ancient Greek began over 2,7000 years ago in Olympia Southwest of Greece, witch also took place every four years.They did it in Honor of Zeus.No women could participate,only national Greeks could. the games at Olympia were greatly expanded from a one day festival to, five days with many events.The order of the events aren't precisely known. They prayed before the Olympics. The games that they had there were running boxing,and horse racing.For boxing they would put metal on there fingers and wrap it around with leather.What i don't know is how many people volunteered for the Olympics?
The Start Of The Olympic Games
The Olympics started in Olympia, Greece held every four years. Our Olympics here are The Olympiads in Greece. The first Olympic Games were recorded in 776 BC; 3,000 years ago and they took place to honor the Greek gods. What games did they play? you'd think we would hold tradition but of course things changed over the years. They played games like discus, javelin, jumping, running and wrestling. There wasn't any events like the ones listed before , only one was introduced before a lot more was added, sprint which was approximately 108 meters in length. After a long period of time more events were added like chariot racing and riding. I'm glad we have the games we have today for the Olympics. I believe everyone in a different sport should get the chance to be in the Olympics for their talent and that the Olympics is a beautiful event to take place in. What is your favorite event in the Olympics? if you don't have one, explain why.
I Like The Greeks A Lot!
I find most history interesting but I think the best. Especially the Greek's stories about their gods and how they did awesome and heroic things. One story I particularly like is the Trojan War. I really like the part in it where, according to the legend, the Greeks built a giant wooden horse in which they hid. the Trojans who thought it was a gift and so brought it inside the city. Then the Greeks got out of the horse and burned and looted the city. Well, even if it isn't true it's still fascinating that someone even came up with that 2,000 years ago. Do you find it amazing that people were smart enough to do things like that so, so long ago?
The gods in ancient Greece.
People in ancient Greece believed that Gods (The Olympians) exist. I personally think that gods do not exist. But if you see some comic books or movies, people in ancient times say that they actually saw gods. In ancient Greece, there are lots of gods. The king of the gods is Zeus and the queen of the gods is Hera in the book. Do you know anything more or anything interesting about ancient Greece gods?
Where it All Started
There are many thoughts on how the Greek language originated. One being that it migrated with proto-Greek speaker to
Grease between 2500 BC and 1700 BC. And another being that it was made during
pre-proto-Greek and the Greek sounds come later on. You may not know it but the
Ancient Greeks were the first Europeans to read and write using an alphabet.
There were many dialects in Ancient Greece but the major ones are Aeolic, Doric
and Ionic. These were also the three main tribes of the Greeks. Almost every one
out of ten words has originated from an Ancient Greek word. Do you any words
that have come from an Ancient Greek words?
Ruthless Greek Gods
Greek gods were very ruthless. An example is that when Zeus us had children,and when Hera found out she would punish the wives and children and often the wives didn't even know it was Zeus they married and had children with. Another one is when arachne and Athena had a weaving contest when arachne's weave was almost as good she went into a fit of rage and and arachne committed suicide then Athena turned her into a spider now all Athena's children are afraid of spider why do you think they are afraid?
How Powerful Were The Romans Really.
I think that the Roman Empire is very interesting. It’s cool that they had a democracy just like
us (the United States of America). The romans
were one of the most powerful empires at that time. The romans were so powerful that they made
people try to fight ferocious animals like lions. In a building called the coliseum. What do you think we would do if people were forced
to fight against animals like these?
The Trojan War
This was a sneaky
plan that the Trojans made. It was an idea that they would make a massive
wooden horse, and sneak the army into Troy to take over the city. First they
got the horse into Troy thought it was a gift, then the warriors got out, and
burned down the entire city. This was a genius plan that worked out great! The Trojan
War wasn't a big war, but it was a great plan.
For this post I am making a list of some the major Greek Gods, and tell what they were the god of.
1. Zeus- Leader of the gods, and the god of the air.
2. Poseidon- Zeus’s brother and the god of water and the sea. <also god of horses>
3. Hades- Also Zeus’s brother. God of the underworld.
4. Athena – Goddess of wisdom.
5. Aphrodite- Goddess of love.
6. Ares- God of war
7. Nike- The God speed, strength, and victory.
8. Apollo- God of the sun, music, and sports
9. Artemis-Goddess of the moon
Out of these gods I think that Zeus was the most important to the Greeks. They thought that they had to be on even terms with Zeus or else they would be struck by massive storms. They might have prayed to Hades when a family member died. At sea, if they didn't die, they would thank Poseidon. In Olympic games athletes might worship Nike (popular clothing brand is named after the Goddess). What Greek God do you think is most important?
EEK! Myths are coming alive!!
Myths and legions talk about beasts that can fell many heroes
in their lives. Such as the great Hydra that grew two heads for every one lost.
The hero named Hercules, the son of Zeus
and a mortal woman. Found that he couldn't
cut them off, so he burned them and soaked his arrows in the poisonous blood of
the Hydra. Another great beast is the siren,
AKA maiden of the sea. Sounds pretty, right? WRONG!!!! The siren basically
kills sailors and eats them raw, luring their meal by singing their alluring
song, which persuades sailors to follow them into the water and drowned. Tell
me your http://www.mythicalcreaturesguide.com/page/Greek+Mythology
favorite creature.
Ancient Greece began in 1000 B.C during the bronze age (a period between the Stone and Iron Ages, characterized by the manufacture and use of bronze tools and weapons). The first emperor of Greece was Κωνσταντίνος ( Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus) He died at age of 65 which is double the life expectancy at the time (25-35).Constantinus had two wives and six children during his life.
Challenge- Constantinus had two wives in his long life and six children. Constance the great was also the first ________.
Zeus or Jupiter?
This might seem like
more of a topic for a roman unit, but I find it really interesting that the
romans developed so many of the Greek gods into gods of their own. I mean Zeus
became Jupiter, Hera became Juno, Hades is Pluto and so on. It seems so amazing
that the Greeks affected so many different cultures even after they died off. They
affected the names of planets and a lot scientific things were discovered by
them. What do you think about how they affected our society?
Greek Olympics.... He could go all the way to the finish line
Greek Olympics are a really cool topic regarding the Greeks. Even though the Greeks
created democracy, their most interesting topic is the Greek Olympics. The
Greek Olympics originated in Olympia in 776 B.C. The top athletes from each
city would gather and try to find their way into the Olympics. During the
Olympics there was a statue of Zeus (it was considered one of the wonders of
the ancient world). If you won the Greek Olympics you made way for future generations
and was that considered awesome! Do you know anything about the Greek Olympics?
Poseidon! Please stop those earthquakes!
What I think is cool about Greeks the gods that they worship. It is also funny how people a long time ago think that thunderstorms and earthquakes were caused by Zeus and Poseidon. For example, when thunderstorms are happening, people are like “Oohh nooo! Zeus is angry again!”, to me it is kind of stupid. The reason why I personally think it is so impressive is that all the imagination that they have to make these beliefs and statues of Gods and all those things to worship. I wonder how Greeks would react if they had no gods to worship and if there were something else.
Poseidon The King of the Ocean
God of the sea. His weapon was a dart, which could move the earth, and shatter any object. He was second only to Zeus in power among the gods. Under the water, he had a good golden palace. Poseidon was the husband of Amphitrite, one of the Nereid by who had a son, Triton.Poseidon had numerous other love affairs. At one point he desired Demeter. To put him off Demeter asked him to make the most beautiful animal that the world had ever seen. To impress her Poseidon created the first horse. Sometimes his first attempts were unsuccessful and created a lot of other animals in his quest. By the time the horse was created his passion for Demeter had gone. Who's your favorite God or Goddess?
The Greek Goddess of Love
The Greek goddess of love was Aphrodite. She was born from
Uranus, when he went into war and 3 of his blood drops fell in the sea, one of
them turned into Aphrodite where she was carried by a sea shell and to a nearby
island where the seasons clothed her and gave her jewels.
Aphrodite was like all goddesses and gods and could fall in
love, she fell in love with Ares, the god of war, but as well later fell in
love with a human Adonis, sadly also Persephone fell in love with him.
Persephone was jealous and Ares that Aphrodite loved a human more than him so
Ares turned into a boar and killed Adonis, but this is not the end of the
story! Aphrodite pleaded to Zeus for Adonis back so Zeus agreed that in the
summer Adonis could come to earth and be with Aphrodite but in the winter, must
stay in the underworld.
Aphrodite could also be angry like all gods and here is one
story about her getting angry. A human named Glauces insulted her and Aphrodite
got mad, the night before his chariot race, she feed the horses poison, in the
race, the horses went crazy and crashed killing Glauces, and then the horses
ate him.
Aphrodite also rewarded her followers like a man named Pygmalion;
he was a sculptor and worshiped Aphrodite. He never could fine a woman that was,
as we call it, his "type". He made a statue of his perfect woman and
it worked so well, that he fell in love. He knew that she was a statue and
couldn't love back so when Aphrodite took pity on her, she made the statue come
to life! The man named her Galatea and married her.
So, what do you think of Aphrodite, is she nice, mean,
innocent, a victim? Would you hang out with her?
That's Sooooooo Greek
The Greeks weren't all just a bunch of Olympians, or people with gods for just about everything. They were also great inventors. The map was an invention by the Greeks, a big invention that we use today. They also invented the thermometer, a really big invention we use when it comes to sick children, and adults (mostly sick children whining that they have a headache or trying to stay home from school). They're pretty smart, but I don't see them with 3D movies. What is one thing that you wish you knew the origins from?
Greece Engulfed In Darkness
Soon after the Trojan War, Greece started to collapse. This as known as the Dark ages. No one knew why this was happening. This didn't seem to effect how people acted. Poverty was everywhere, people wouldn't trade outside of Greece for food and goods. They had to depend on themselves to do everything. Trying to survive was such an essential that they forgot the practice of writing and literature. This caused traditions and history through speech, through myths.
Do you think that people could remember so much specific information? Try to tell a friend something and see if they remember exactly what you said the next week.
Do you think that people could remember so much specific information? Try to tell a friend something and see if they remember exactly what you said the next week.
Hephaestus the Machine Nerd
Hephaestus was certainly the god of machines. They say that in his layer you are up to your chest with random bits of gears, wires, and other odds and ends. It is known that he although is the only god that is physically ugly and lame, he is known to be the greatest mechanic in the world. Since he is the god of blacksmiths he also has the ability to summon fire at his will. He had built many of the palaces for the gods of Mount Olympus, and had forged the armor for Achilles during the Siege of Troy. As you can see he has done many great things for the gods and ancient Greeks. Although he may not be the "sharpest knife in the drawer" I think he should be more noticed for his great feats don't you?
Greek’s Olympics
Events at the Greek’s Olympics
included wrestling, boxing, long jump, javelin, discus and chariot racing. But
those taking part in the wrestling event had to be the toughest, as there were
hardly any rules and they had to be compete naked. Eek! Married women were
prohibited from watching the Games under penalty of death! Coming from diverse
backgrounds in Greece, all male athletes had one thing in common: they all
competed naked! There were no gold, silver, or bronze awards in the ancient
Olympics, just an olive wreath for the winner. I think it is not right that they
did not have meddles and only had an olive wreath for the winner. Who thinks
that is right?
The Trojan War
The Trojans never saw it coming! As a gift the Greeks gave the Trojans a large wooden horse, large enough to fit many warriors. The Trojans were grateful for the present and brought it inside the city of Troy. What they didn't know was that it was a trap and that the Greeks were hidden inside. At night the Greeks attacked the city. They burned and looted the city of of Troy until there was nothing then they returned home. Battle would have been frighting but hiding in a huge wooden horse like this would be really exciting. What do you think about the surprise attack on the Trojans?
Hide and Seek
Did you know that Greeks hid from people way back then too? I thought the most interesting part of this section was when the Greeks conquered Troy. Obviously, the Trojans wouldn't let the Greeks just come into their land, so the Greeks had to improvise. They built a wooden horse and had a couple of soldiers inside of it. The Trojans thought that it was a gift, so they let in the horse. Once it was nighttime, the soldiers got out of the horse, went back to the gate they came in from, and let in the rest of the Greek army. Then, then could fight the Trojans. They caught them off-guard and ended up taking over Troy. What do you guys think about the takeover of Troy through a wooden horse?
Greece; the Nation of War
Greece; the Nation of War
Back in
the day a nation called Greece flourished. Greece has waged war against its
neighbors and has many slaves to farm for them. Even with most of their power
derived from the neighbors by them, they spend their time quarreling amongst
themselves. The most devastating war between its own city states is the war
Between Athens and Sparta. Sparta won this war and became the strongest of all
the city states, while Athens never returned to become a strong city, as described
here http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/PeloponnesianWar/.
Greece has gained wealth, power, and strength. Greece has devastated itself by
its intercity wars. Though what if Greece was peaceful within itself? What if
Greece never waged war with itself? These are questions that I now leave you with to answer.
The Smart Greeks! ...and the Trojans
I think that building the Trojan Horse was a very smart idea, but did they really need to loot Troy? I guess they could have tried to trade with Troy, because they might have not even really needed the stuff that they stole. It was smart because it ended the war between them, but it ended by the Greeks destroying Troy. Do you think Troy would have been a city for a lot longer after that if the Greeks hadn't destroyed their city?
Here’s a story you all probably already heard about, the TROJAN HORSE. The Trojans were Greek people. They were very powerful. They wanted to attack Troy. Many people lived in Troy. Their plan was to build and send a giant horse and fill it with soldiers. When they arrived in troy, they acted like the horse was a present, but right when they brought it into the city, the soldiers came out and burned the city down.
GO TO http://www.timelessmyths.com/classical/trojanwar.html FOR MORE INFO
Trojan Horses are Definitely Not Birthday Presents
Most of you probably know the story about the Greeks and the Trojan Horse - how the Greeks climbed into the giant wooden horse, the Trojans (stupidly) thought it was a gift and brought it inside the city, and how the Greeks climbed out and burned down the city.
The story always made me laugh a little; the Trojans being vain enough to accept a gift from the country they're pretty much at war with, and the blatantly obvious idea the Greeks came up with. But really, if you think about it, the Trojan Horse was one brilliant idea. Disguising yourself into something desirable, only to emerge as one of the Trojans' worst nightmares? Pure genius. It was a really smart idea on their part.
But the Trojans? Should have known better. Really - how many birthday parties have they thrown where the gifts included a giant horse? Better judgement could have saved their city...
Just saying. Trojan Horses? Not a good present.
What do you think? Are the Trojans at fault for letting in the horse?
The story always made me laugh a little; the Trojans being vain enough to accept a gift from the country they're pretty much at war with, and the blatantly obvious idea the Greeks came up with. But really, if you think about it, the Trojan Horse was one brilliant idea. Disguising yourself into something desirable, only to emerge as one of the Trojans' worst nightmares? Pure genius. It was a really smart idea on their part.
But the Trojans? Should have known better. Really - how many birthday parties have they thrown where the gifts included a giant horse? Better judgement could have saved their city...
Just saying. Trojan Horses? Not a good present.
What do you think? Are the Trojans at fault for letting in the horse?
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
slice your dads face in half with the moon
The most awesome event in Greek history (in my opinion) is the war between the titans and the gods. If you couldn't tell by the title someones face gets sliced in half by their son. Cronus's son Zeus slices his face in half with his own scythe which was made from the moon. Afterwards Cronus was banished to Tartarus the place where evil monsters go then come back to life after a matter of time. If your dad was really evil would you slice his face in half with the moon?
Carpentur of the time
The myth is
that a giant wooden horse called Trojan horse built by the Greeks straight in
to the city of troy It was hollowed out so
the Greeks could hide inside till night falls then they raided the kingdom troy.
The town was defeated leavening with not much. The strategy was a genius plan
to give a present then ransack the place without knowing you were in the present
the Trojan horse can even be associated with today’s history as in malware.
The Greek Civilization was very clever................
The Greek Civilization was a very clever and smart group.
One of their great plans was during the Trojan War. Greek warriors hid inside a
huge wooden horse, the Trojan Horse. The horse was rolled to the city gates as
a “gift” for the Trojans. At night, the warriors climbed out of the horse and
let the rest of their army into Troy. They burned and looted Troy and then
returned home. I thought that this was a very clever plan. What do you think?
Everyone Loves The Olympics
Everyone loves the Olympics! Everyone looks forward to them
every four years. It’s a great time to hang out with your family while cheering
for your country. The Olympics all started in 776 b.c. They were dedicated to
the Olympian gods who lived in Olympia. The Olympic Games were initially a one
day event until 684 BC, when they were extended to three days. In the 5th
century B.C., the games were extended again to cover five days. The Olympic
Games included running, long jump, shot put, javelin, boxing, pankration and
equestrian events. The Olympics have changed a lot over the years. They have
more games and cover a few weeks. We even have different Olympics for the
disabled, and it all started with the ancient Greeks. What would life be like
without them?
The Ancient Greek Olympics!!! :}
The Ancient Greek Olympics
The Greek Olympics began in the early 700 BC. The Olympics were in honour of Zeus, his hand-made golden statue stands 42 feet high located in Olympia. The main sports that were held in the Olympics were Boxing, wrestling, and races. For the races, one involves full on armor. In wrestling it was illegal to bit as well. Boxing was more brutal, so the Greeks used different methods to decrease the pain. I feel bad because, women were not allowed to watch or participate in the games. I'm just glad us woman, have our rights now a days. It's cool to know that sports really didn't change over centuries! Don't you agree?
By: Reyana H.
Earth shaker, storm bringer, father of all horses. All hail Poseidon god of the sea!
One of my favorite Greek gods is the Poseidon. Who many
people in Ancient Greece worshiped to bring them good travel at sea and good
fish during the season. From all of the myths he was the brother of Zeus and
Hades. The three brothers along with Hera, Hestia, and Demeter were children of
Kronos and Rhea. As the Greek said the Poseidon made horses out of sea foam.
The Poseidon was the second most powerful god in Mount Olympus. The only one
that was more powerful was Zeus. It was to be said that the Poseidon was middle
child. If the Poseidon was anything like the version in the Percy Jackson
Series would you want him to be your father?
The Death to Troy
The Trojans fought the Greeks back in the day. At first, Herodotus found the land of Troy and wanted to report home the finding. As he was going to leave, some person of Troy injured Herodotus. So, he told that someone injured him and told about the land, and Sparta sent naval fleets to conquer the land. The Greeks fought merciless with Achilles the Greek with the army of Sparta against Troy and its neighboring allies for nine years! In the middle of the war, the Spartans realized that neighboring allies were supporting the Trojans. The Greeks had great victories, killed Trojan hero Hector, and defeated ally Penthesilea. However, they couldn't break the walls down. So, they decided to flee to act like they lost. They left Sinon and the Trojan Horse and the people of Troy accepted the horse as a gift of Athena according to Sinon. That night to celebrate the victory Trojans got drunk. The soldiers in the horse got out and killed all the people excluding Sinon. That's how Troy was demolished. Weren't the Greeks smart or the Trojans were kind of dumb?
Ancient Greeks...Wait What?!?!
Have you ever heard of the lyre? Well this was the Greeks main musical instrument. It was believed that this instrument was made by God Apollo.The lyre was a stringed instrument originally made of a tortoise shell with anywhere from 3 to 12 strings. The lyre was usually played with a pick. All strings were strummed but the string that didn't want to be heard was held down. The lyre is related to the harp. The lyre is also used in Egypt and Sumeria. The lyre's big brother the, kithara was similar in appearance but was made of wood and was heavier. This instrument was used by professionals too. Woodwinds were also used in ancient Greece. Panpipes were also allegedly made by the Greeks. Panpipes are tubes put together and arranged in a scale. Sound can be made by blowing across the holes on top of the tubes. The aulos another greek instrument extremely hard play is also found in ancient Greece. The cheeks of aulos players had to be fastened with a leather strap so they wouldn't burst. The aulos sounds like todays oboe. Now that you know about Greek instruments are you going to try one...although you might have trouble finding this instruments. Are you going to go buy and instrument now?
greeks and their weird beliefs
One cool thing or interesting thing about the Greeks where really picky about what they ate. Some a weird, the Greeks had some strange superstitions about food – some
wouldn’t eat beans as they thought they contained the souls of the dead!
I think it’s weird that Greeks thought that the dead were in the beans. But beans.
I don’t think dead souls are in beans. I do not know why they thought dead
souls were in the beans. If want to look at other weird facts about ancient Greeks
go to http://www.ngkids.co.uk/did-you-know/10-facts-about-the-Ancient-Greeks. Do u think its weird or it is just me because i dont think theres dead souls in beans. what do you think?
wouldn’t eat beans as they thought they contained the souls of the dead!
I think it’s weird that Greeks thought that the dead were in the beans. But beans.
I don’t think dead souls are in beans. I do not know why they thought dead
souls were in the beans. If want to look at other weird facts about ancient Greeks
go to http://www.ngkids.co.uk/did-you-know/10-facts-about-the-Ancient-Greeks. Do u think its weird or it is just me because i dont think theres dead souls in beans. what do you think?
The Gods Of Olympus
I've just finished the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. It's about the Greek gods and their half mortal and half godly children. I think that all the powers that the gods have are really cool such as flying, breathing underwater, making curses, etc. My favorite part is all of the crazy monsters and animals! They go as far as gigantic three headed dogs to tiny little fairies. Greek mythology is very interesting but also very creepy sometimes.What do you think about it?
The Trojan Horse
Lots of people know about the Trojan War and the best part of the war, the Trojan horse. The Greek people and the people of Troy had been fighting for a while. The city of Troy had always won, beating Greece. Finally the people of Greece had enough of loosing in battle, the began to think of ways to conquer Troy. They came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse. The Greek built the horse and brought it to the gates of Troy. Then they looked like they were sailing back to Greece (they were not). When they Trojans brought the horse inside their city because they thought it was a gift, they didn't give it a second thought. After night had fallen the 40 or so soldiers that were hiding in the horse, let the other soldiers that were waiting outside into the city. The Greek people than captured the city and finally the Trojan War was on Greece's side.
Do you think that the Trojans should have looked the horse over more to make sure it was not a trap?
Do you think that the Trojans should have looked the horse over more to make sure it was not a trap?
Music in Ancient Greece
There are lots of cool things about the Ancient Greek culture but the thing I found coolest is music. Music played a big role in the Greek lifestyle. Music was present almost everywhere especially marriages, funerals and religious ceremonies. The word music comes from the Muses, the daughters of Zeus. Some popular instruments from the Greek culture are the pan pipes, which is also known as the pan-flute or syrinx and the aulos, which is similar to an oboe. I wonder why music played such an important role in Ancient Greek culture?
The Maps of the Ancient Greeks!!!
Have you ever wondered where or who made maps, well the ancient Greeks did, it all started when , there wasn't any maps except for vague interpretations that may have been written by sailors. It's not until the Greeks, that maps were created in the way we know them. It was Anaximander who created maps with the concept of latitude and longitude, it was later that Greeks Eratosthenes and Strabo who created maps of the entire known world at the time . What do you think would've happened if they didn't invent it?
Athens way of GOVERNMENT!
The Greeks may not be what you expected them to be. For example with the Athens way of law they invented the Democracy. That's still the government we use today. I don't know about you, but I did not know about that until now. They're some things about their law that aren't really fair. For example you had to be a citizen to enjoy the freedom of the Athens way of government. In order to be a citizen you had to be a man, your parents had to be citizens, and you could not be a slave. Only one out of five people were citizens of Athens. It kind of reminds me of how a long time ago in America women could not vote. In a way we were kind of like the Greeks in the olden days. We still use the same way of government and our past is relatively similar. If you had to choose a way to govern a place, what would you do?
Do you know what the Ancient Greeks really built?
To say that we owe a lot to the ancient Greeks is nothing new. Everywhere we look, we see echoes of that world in our own: democracy, philosophy, art, architecture, science, sport, to name but a few. But to properly understand the legacy and impact of the ancient Greeks, we need to grasp four crucial ideas. First of all, thanks to the Greeks our culture is so similar to theirs. For example, the Roman emperor Hadrian loved all things Greek, he completed the temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens. The fact is that the Greeks had been able to complete this massive temple in about 650 years. Now, do you know how the ancient Greeks built some of their inventions?
Oh my GODS!
Something I find interesting about the ancient Greeks is their beliefs. They believed in multiple gods such as Zeus, Poseidon, and others. Something that I didn't know is that they believed that from nothing came Mother Earth. Then the gods of Day and Night appeared. After them came the starry Sky. Earth and Sky created the twelve Titans. These Titans fought against Sky and took away his power. These Titans are the Greek gods! What are your thoughts on their beliefs?
Art describing there selfs
Art was very cool in ancient Greek. It described what was happening, there feelings, life style, and creating a message. Some art pieces were of people who helped in there town or who made a difference and was a role model like the famous art sculpture with was in the first theater they had ever built to express there love over the savior. Some art pieces were to express there love for someone who has passed. I think its really interesting how they made the art in most of there days and people even now will do the same and cherish it. They will also pass it down and that so touching and art is everywhere and it changed a lot of peoples lives. What do you think about art now and then?
Ancient Actors
Did you know that the Ancient Greeks invented the theater? They loved
watching plays, and most cities had a theater, some of them were big enough to
hold 15,000 people! Only men and boys were allowed to be actors, and they wore
masks, which showed the audience whether their character was happy or sad. Some
of the masks had two sides, so the actor could turn them around to change the
mood for each scene. So my question to you is what do you think about
how only men and boys were aloud to be actors?
The Greek's and there Strange Food Superstitions
The Greek were an old and very powerful race that had many of the same ideals for example democracy's, languages, the Olympics, Etc. but would you believe that they some Greeks were afraid to eat beans because they thought that they had souls in them or that they never ate the last piece of cake because it was considered bad luck? Many of these strange superstitions we still do today for example ever wonder why it was considered bad luck to spit out Salt? This one actually makes some sense because back in the day salt was a very valuable commodity and to spit it was just rude it was down right stupid. This raises some very interesting questions if traditions from Greece and other countries did not ever reach america then how would america be different today?
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