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Monday, October 14, 2013

The Time of the Phoenicians

      Phoenicians are a remarkable culture. Their name comes from the Greek word Phoenix and the purple and red color. So this refers to the purple dye of the Phoenicians, as stated here, http://www.ancient.eu.com/phoenicia/. Furthermore their remarkable success originated with their access to some very important resources. Their access to purple dye made them rich, and their access to the sea let their trade increase. Phoenicians also invented the alphabet, which has had a lasting effect on our languages today. Examples that can be seen are the languages of, Spanish, French, Latin, and English. Although the alphabet of the Phoenicians and today's language are very different, one can argue that they are very much the same, as seen here. http://www.omniglot.com/writing/phoenician.htm. Without the Phoenicians the modern world may be entirely different, from it’s current state. But without the Phoenicians what would the world be like?

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that the Phoenician's culture is the base of many of the important things we learn today. I think it was very lucky that the Phoenicians had decided to settle in a location that would make them very successful. I wonder if any other civilization was as successful as this one.
