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Monday, October 14, 2013

The Korean Civilization- the Neglected and Unknown Civilization

Well, in the ancient world, there are a couple of civilizations, Chinese, Phoenicians, Israelites, Egyptians, and many others. Have you heard of the Koreans? I bet your answer is no (unless you're Korean and know Korea's history). The Korean civilization has been neglected by the whole world. The Chinese plagiarized  the Koreans in many ways. For example, the Koreans invented the flaming arrow, the Chinese took the credit, the water clock, the Chinese plagiarized the Koreans and took credit, and even the invention of the printing press! When war strikes against historic Japan and historic China, those two empires always collapsed (because Korea always won)! Historians say that China's history and prehistory is longer than any nation in the world in the 20th century. In the 21st century, historians discovered that Korean cave writing and prehistoric huts are about a century older. Do you think the Chinese should get away with things that they didn't even invent?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! I never knew that the Koreans had such a big part in history! It does raise some interesting questions if Korea had managed to lay claim to all of its inventions would China be the superpower it is now? Or without these inventions would China's power have receded and Korea have taken China's place?

    1. No. Presently, China is a superpower itself by many reasons. Even without the inventions, they invented one of the biggest languages presently today. They had the U.S. be in debt by trillions of dollars. They also have low costing labor, so other companies like Hasbro and other companies assemble their products there. If China was to be "stripped" with these titles, with present innovation, they would still over power Korea, but, Korea would be considered as the most history-enriched country.

  3. This would be very unfair to Koreans if china did claim all these inventions. However you should include some proof to persuade the reader that it is true. This is believe able because the known history on Korea is very small. if this is true then i would feel very strange.

  4. I agree that the Korean culture is quite neglected. I didn't know that the Chinese had copied the Koreans ideas and inventions. It kind of makes sense because China had once ruled Korea. It is too bad that the Korean culture is too small to be noticed enough.

  5. there can only be 2 comments per blog

  6. The comic translation: "Those Chinese people copied our stuff!"

    1. Thanks for adding this part! I was curious of the comic's meaning. Nice job!

  7. Right if China was stripped of its inventions now it would make no difference at all sure maybe there would be some bone-headed politicians arguing over but otherwise it would not even shift China's world power but if China had never layed claim to these inventions then who knows what could have happened?
